Remembering how to Forget

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A/N: hey everyone , this is my storry .Its the first storry ive written here. i know the beggining is supper boring but its an intro into how everything happened. so please continue reading it gets amazinglyy good and awesomee :D_______________________________________________________

Image of Skai on the side



Sometimes wanting to remember  how to forget an event in your life could be the hardest thing you'd ever do .

          I've never been the type of girl who gets easily heartbroken , I'd always keep a safe distance from guys , just as how my mom would always tell me . I guess it had more to do with the fact that my dad had left us when I was at young age. He wasn't the best father in the world , but I still loved him and got to see him from time to time. Everyone always said I looked like my mom  , except for that she had hazel eyes and mine were blue ,but had my dads personality especially when it came to liking guys , I was a complete and total flirt wether they were ugly or not . I guess that's why I had so many friends , because I wasn't scared to approach them first .I guess my appearance had a lot to do with it , for a 7 year old I was as beautiful as I could be  , dark long brown hair that curls at the bottom with beautiful waves , two mesmerizing blue eyes , which changes from blue to green according to the light or weather, a light tan skin , and full  normal lips.I was a beauty , but I didn't really care or notice it until I got older.

     It was one summer afternoon , while I was busy playing with my dolls by myself because I didn't have that many friends close to me .

"Skai , sweetie come down here for a second . There's someone I want you too meet."said my mother with with such a happy and unusual tone.

 As soon as I heard my mother I raced down the stairs as fast as I could , but since I was a messy child I tripped over some toys I had placed there earlier , which made me roll down the stairs . Lucky for me nothing had happened , I had a good history of getting hurt and getting all bruised up ,especially tripping on something . As I made it down in one piece I saw a boy sitting on the sofa looking uncomfortable  with a younger  looking girl who seemed to be my age .My eyes lit up in excitement. They were finally here , my two new neighbors  , who I was totally planing on becoming friends with .  The girl had light brown eyes , and long wavy brown hair , with smooth pale skin, and her brother ( I assumed ) had blond hair with brown roots  and two mesmerizing green/hazel eyes , he was a bit darker than the girl but still had the same resemblance in pale skin , he looked to be about 9 or 10 but it didn't really matter to me .There was something he had that just made him look interesting , I won't lie he was cute in ever way possible , his smile , his eyes and his adorable laughter . I couldn't believe I was  was thinking like this, it felt weird and unusual.

 For some reason  while i was was completely mesmerized and gawking at him , he got up and started walking towards me with an annoyed look in his face. When he was just a few inches away from me i felt a sharp pain on my left arm , i couldn't  quite recognized  it but then there it was , he had pinched me ."Ouch ! Why did you just pinch me?!' I said as I rubbed the spot he had pinched ." Because you were staring at me and it made me feel uncomfortable".he said with a duhh tone as he passed his fingers threw his hair making it messy.

                  " So , that doesn't   give you the right , am a girl and guys can't hit girls and you are not one". how dare he do that to me , if he wasnt  so darn cute I would had punched his teeth out .

'hey am Rosie, rose for short,  , and this is my brother Alexander  or alex we just moved here and I was wondering if you would like to be my friend" .she said "and if it makes you feel better ill punch him for you while he sleeps " she said a taunting smirk on her face . "hey !! , I heard that and you are doing no such thing to me " alex said in an annoyed tone'  well we were defenetly not  going to get along .

                         And that's how it all started , me and Rosie became inseparable . At school we would always sit together , always hangout and sleep over at each others house . Now her brother Alexander was a bit hard to get used to , but after a while I realized that the whole being mean and a jerk was an act he had going on so I wouldn't think he was soft . But I knew he had a soft spot for me , I mean who would resist my cute and adorable self .

 As years went by and we were growing up I started to have a deeper and much meaningful relationship with Alexander , it wasn't like mine and Rosie's , it was something more than that . Although she didn't approve of her brother hanging out with me because she was scared that he was going to take the only friend who she really cared about and shared her life with . But I had noticed how it was bothering her and decided to talk to her and explain what was going on and how my feelings were . I was so relieved that she had understood it perfectly fine and was okay with me liking her older brother. As we hit middle school Rosie became infatuated with fashion , which was a good thing since she was so good at it , she would always pick out my clothes and she would dress to impress . I'd always loved her fun personality , it was something you have had to live with your whole life to appreciate but with by just being around her for a few seconds it could make your bad day go away . I loved that about her and how she was always true to herself and others .

 The only mistake I ever made was falling in love with my best friends's brother.How could such a simple thing make my heart shatter into a million pieces?

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