Nix Aiken was off to meet her sister at her first high school party. The time was 10:30 pm but the party didn't start till 11:00 pm, she didn't think much about if she showed up early to meet Mist. When she got to the house the party was taking place and Nix's sister Mist was waiting on the porch for her with an excited smile on her face and a drink in her hand. As the two sisters walked in the house a young man approached them, being the generous host that he was he asked Nix if she'd like a drink or maybe something to snack on before the party started, Nix politely obliged. As the two of them walked in the kitchen area the boy pointed out they had punch with vodka, beer, for the women wine, and more. Nix being the person she is grabbed some punch and sat down with her sister. As Nix and her sister were sitting there people started to roll through the door, you had the typical people, the Jocks, the Quins of the high school, and more but there was one person that came through the door that caught her eye especially, his name was Zeren, Zeren parks. Nix had a crush on Zeren since the two of them met in their first year of high school but for her, it was more than a crush, you could say she was in love with him. As time went on Nix's sister got up and started to conversate with her friends leaving Nix all alone and to herself. Zeren saw Nix sitting all alone in her beauty decided to go and talk to her, Zeren not being the best with words could only come up with "Hey I noticed you from across the room" and sat down to chat with her. Nix being so nervous to talk to him stuttered at each word that came out of her mouth " He..hey" he just sat there and smiled at her unexplainable beauty as she kept going she came to the thought that tonight would be the night that shed tell Zeren how she felt about him. As she started out with a stutter "I've be..bee...been thinking about telling you this for a while but I really like you and I'd like to be..." as she got to her last words Zeren was thinking to himself that this was the girl he'd want to be with for the rest of his life knowing she's the one he loved, the one he adored so he made a bold move and right as she said "with you" he kissed her taking her breath away. As time went on the two of them went up to one of the guest bedrooms to lay down and talk some more, as Zeren was talking to Nix she fell asleep in his arms knowing that everything would be okay when she'd wake up knowing he was by her side.
ContoContest entry. Credit to my friend Karma who helped me write it.