|38| FaceTime

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You sat on your bed, not so long ago you had been able to go back home. They said that you will live but you are yet to tell Thomas this. You thought it would be a better thing to tell him in person, to tell him you don't have cancer. The thought of telling him made your cheeks glow red and you laughed at how stupid you felt. You had never meet him so why do you feel this way about him.

Your phone began vibrating on your lap, the sudden movement causing you to jump slightly.  As you look down to see who it was that was calling you, your breath caught in your through.

Thomas is FaceTiming me

Quickly picking up the FaceTime, nearly dropping your phone in the process, you heart stopped when you heard his voice.

"Is it working? Dylan how do I know if it is working?" His accent was thicker then you had imagined, but that made you like it even more.

"Has she picked up?" A voice asked on Thomas's side if the call. Your heart speed up in excitement, Dylan O'Brien was there too.

"I have picked up" you finally said as you looked at the beautiful boy on your screen. He looked beyond confused, like this was some kind of alien technology. As your voice reached him, you could see him freeze and a huge smile spread across his face. He looked at the screen, the smile only growing as he did so.

"(your name) hi" you laughed at how cute he was, in a way he resembled a little by talking to his crush.

"So you are not an old man, pity" you joked, his laugh erupted from the phone and you couldn't help but smile. You were happy again. And it was all because of this one British boy.

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