Chapter 18

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Anti's pov

I sit in the living room with Dark and Wilford with both of them glaring at me "K you guys can be mad at me now" I say sighing "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU NOT TELL US THAT YOU PUT A TRACKER ON HER" Dark yells.  I role my eyes "It just slipped my mind" I say crossing my arms Dark grabs my throat "You just wanted her to yourself" he says trowing me at the wall.  The rim of his eyes turning red I look at him in complete shock 'I've never seen him this mad' I think.  He growls and walks over to me "You haven't seen shit" he says walking up to me. He picks me up and tries me around some more I see Wilford running up to him before he can get to me again.  Wilford punches him in the side and Dark trows him to the wall knocking him out.

  Dark walks over to me and I close my eyes waiting to be thrown around Dark grabs me when I hear a voice "DARK NO" I open my eyes and I see Y/n running over shoving Dark and punching him a few times.  Dark looks at Y/n with pure anger he drops me and kicks her making her fly across the room. She hits the wall and falls down not moving a inch once Dark realises what he just did his eyes go back to normal and his eyes widened "N-no" he says I get up and I limp my way over to Dark first punching him really hard and then over to Y/n. I pick up her body and I walk over to the couch laying her down.  I turn around and I glare at Dark "Get the fuck out of the living room" I growl.

  He looks at me with shock and then walks out in the corner of my eye I see Wilford moving a bit.  He sits up and looks around and then his eyes land on Y/n "W... What happened" he says. I look in the direction that Dark went and Wilford got the hint.  He clutches his fists trying to stay calm "Be helpful and get the med pack" I say. He nods walking away I look at Y/n her limp body is so bruised and cut up from what her dad had done and now Dark tossing her across the room like a fucking rag doll. When Wilford got back I started to rewrap the cuts that had reopened. Once I'm done I start to treat my wounds. After i finish treating my wounds I sigh looking at Y/n she twiches slightly and then gose limp again


Hey guys welcome to the end of this chapter hope you like it and if you did punch that vote button in the face like a BOSSSSSS and as always I'll see you guys in  the next chapter Buh-Bye

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