The Terrace

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TW: Blood and gore

In which Ethan and Kathryn are detectives stationed in New York, and are invited to a dinner party. But things don't go as planned.

Detective!Ethan & Detective!Kathryn AU

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He was falling, the lights of New York city were engulfing him. He looked up to see a person, walking away into the shadows. Then the pain kicked in. His gunshot wound felt cold, but warm at the same time. He could see himself falling, the lights of the city were blinding at this point. Then, darkness.

Ethan awoke with a jolt. "Thank god it was just a dream," He murmured to himself.

Quickly brushing the event off he looked out the window. He saw the sun streaming through, presenting a rather cloudless day for New York. From his apartment, which he shared with his partner in crime, Kathryn, he could see pigeons flying through the air. Deciding to get a move on, he got up and slipped on some more presentable clothes. He walked into the kitchen to see Kathryn reading the newspaper.

"Wow, Who even reads the newspaper anymore? It's the 21st century Kat," Ethan quipped.

"I'll tell you who, me and old people," Kathryn deadpanned.

Kathryn had a wonderful sense of humor. But only when she wasn't tired, which was almost never. (This earned her the nickname 'Insomniac Kat' or 'Very Tired Kat' seeing as she stayed up until 3 am on work nights. Ethan genuinely wondered how she was still alive.) Catch her any other time, and she'll be sarcastic as can be. It really shows what she wants you to do, which is not talk to her until she's properly caffeinated.

"Mark Fischbach invited us to a "Dinner Party" tonight-" Kathryn tried to finish her sentence before Ethan cut her off.

"Mark Fischbach? From college? Man, I haven't seen him in years," Ethan said, completely oblivious to interrupting Kathryn.

"Yes, from college, now as I was saying, do you want to go or not? It's a formal event, but it's also like a reunion thing." Kathryn explained.

"Ehhhhhh, let's not, It's our day off and I just want to stay inside todayyy," Ethan said, exaggerating the 'y' in today.

" Too bad, we haven't seen the dude in like five years, It would only be a kind gesture to go," Kathryn, being the voice of reason, said, "Also, who knows, someone might lose a bet and end up dead out of their money, It would be safer for us to be there."

"Fine, when does it start anyway?" Ethan questioned.

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Kathryn and Ethan walked up to the apartment building at 6 pm sharp. They both had guns stowed away under their clothing, y'know, for safety. They were certified carriers, and with danger always present, it was better safe than sorry. Ethan's was under his blazer, and Kathryn's was securely strapped to her leg and hidden under her dress. They walked up to the door, and panels of buttons, each corresponding to a resident.

"Mark lives in the penthouse?" Ethan questioned as Kathryn buzzed the top floor.

"Mhm, after college he used his degrees in programming, engineering, and business to create one of the most successful wireless carrier companies," Kathryn explained.

"Huh, I never knew, I just assumed he went off working in an office or something," Ethan concluded, "Good for him though, glad he's in a good spot, financially."

Right after Ethan finished, the buzzer for the floor turned on.

"Hello, what do you need?" The voice of the speaker said.

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