More than a white lie

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My heart started beating fast, my palms were sweating, my head was spinning. How did she know? Will she tell him?

"Who?" I asked, as if it wasn't obvious."

"My dad, German, you love him."

"Vilu, don't be ridiculous. I do not love him." I hated lying to her, but it's better this way. If she knows the truth, it will just hurt her, I don't want to hurt her.

"Angie, come on, I'm your niece. I know when you're lying."

"I'm sorry Vilu, you're wrong."

"No I'm not! Carlos told me." She replied, she wouldn't give up.

"What?" I asked, shocked. "Vilu, what has he told you? It's important that you tell me everything."

"Well I stayed behind his lesson, for extra help with the work, because I wasn't getting it right and he started talking about you, a lot. I asked him if there was anything going on between you two and he said no. I asked why, because it's clear that he likes you, and he said that you were still in love with someone else. He didn't tell me who. He didn't have to."

She knew. I couldn't believe it. She can't know. So I did what I do best. I lied.

"Oh Vilu, no, he asked me out on a date and I don't like him in that way and I needed a way to let him down easily, so I just told him that I was in love with someone else." Yeah. That sounds believable, right?

"Oh." She giggled. "I feel so silly! I'm sorry I didn't believe you. It sounds ridiculous when I think about it, I mean, you've both moved on, right?"

"Right." I lied. That's all I ever seem to do lately. Lie. But I'm doing it for her. To protect her. If she knew how I really felt this could cause trouble between us, not just Violetta, but all of us.

"I'm going to go to sleep now Angie, see you in the morning. Love you." Said Vilu, I could tell she was sleepy by the way she spoke.

"Goodnight, I love you."

I quietly went back into my bedroom and lay on the bed for a while. I can't believe I just lied to her like that. She's my niece, I shouldn't lie to her. But it's better than her knowing the truth, she doesn't need to know that I'm still in love with him. Nobody does. The only people that know is me, Carlos and Pablo. Although I've barely seen Pablo recently.

I fell asleep that night thinking of German, like I do most nights.


I woke up the next morning and when down stairs to see German sat at the table alone.

"Good morning, German. Where is everyone?" I asked with a smile on my face. It's not very often we are alone anymore.

"Morning Angie. Well, Ramallo and Olga are at a wedding today, Olga is ramallo's plus one" he winked at me, which made me laugh, "Violetta is sleeping at Frans tonight, she's at the cinema with Cami and Fran now. So it's just us today."

I got butterflies in my stomach at just the thought of being alone with him. I know nothing can, nor will it, happen, but it's still nice to spend some time with him.

"Okay." I reply.

"So I was thinking, football is on tonight, and I know you used to like watching football, so would you care to join me and a bottle of wine?" He asked

"Sure!" I replied with a smile.

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