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We arrived at the cinema and went to buy some popcorn. Me and German got some to share, because we aren't big popcorn fans and Vilu got one to herself. Violetta skipped ahead and brought our tickets for us, me and German stood waiting for her to come back so we could go inside.

"German, I want to tell her."

Before German had a chance to answer Violetta came running over. "We're in screen four!" She said dragging our arms towards the screening room.

"Calm down Vilu, anyone would think you'd never been to the cinemas before!" I joked.

Vilu just laughed and walked with us through the doors. The cinema was rather busy, busier than I'd expected.

"Hey! Vilu!" Shouted a voice somewhere in the crowd.

"Leon!" Replied violetta. Leon patted the empty seat beside him. "Can I dad? Please?"

German sighed, "oh, alright, go on then."

"Oh young love!" I teased German.

He just gave me a look, which made me laugh.

I looked around the cinema and the only two empty seats I could see were two right at the back in the corner. We awkwardly walked past everybody sat in there chairs until we got to our seats. I sat in the corner and German sat beside me. He sat down and let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm getting too old for this." Panted German.

I just laughed and shook my head.

All the trailers for the films were really staring to annoy me, there were so many. It must have took about 15 minutes for the film to actually start. When the film started to play the lights went out. I wasn't particularly bothered about the film playing, I just went for Vilu.

"What did you mean?" German whispered in my ear.

"I want her to know, I want her to know everything." I whispered back.

"Everything?" He repeated me.

"I'm not going to tell her everything if you don't want me to, I just, I feel like I'm in this pregnancy alone, Violetta is the only family i have left. My mother lives in a different country, my sister is no longer with us, I feel like I hardly talk to Pablo anymore and I feel like everyone is leaving me. I know violetta will be there for me and I can't continually lie to her about who the father is. If she doesn't know who the father is she's going to think that she's having a cousin. If she knows the truth then she's going to know that it's her little sibling."

I felt German's hand interlock with mine, sending goose bumps through my body.

"If that's what you want, that's what we'll do. I know we can trust Violetta and I think you're right, she deserves to know that she's having a sibling. I've lied to her before and I've learned from my mistakes we should tell her the truth."

"Thank you German," I say as I lean my head in his shoulder.

I was able to relax a little bit more now that I'd gotten that of my chest. The film was starting to get more interesting, better than I'd expected and I started get hungry, so I went in for the popcorn, not taking my eyes of the cinema screen. I felt something. But it wasn't popcorn it was German's hand, we'd both gone for some popcorn.

I peeled my eyes away from the screen and turned my body to face his. "Sorry" I whispered with a slight smile, I felt my self blushing.

"I can't see your face properly right now, but I can bet that you're blushing."

He was right, "and why would you think that?" I asked.

"Because, whenever you accidentally do something like that you blush. Like the time you tried to get the popcorn off my face and Jade thought we were going to kiss. You blushed."

I giggle a little. "You're right,"I whispered, "I was blushing."

I realised that my hand was still touching German's, so I tried to pull away, but he stopped me. I turned to face him again. "German, what are you-"

He cut me off with a kiss, he put one hand on my cheek and another one of the side of my head, running it through my hair. A rush of emotions came rushing through me. I felt guilty, I felt loved, I felt happy, I felt like it was wrong, but it felt so right. But still I pulled away. He was in a relationship.

"Angie, I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me."

Oh what the heck, I thought. I pulled him back towards me and put my hands on his arms. I gave him a kiss, and waited for him to respond. It took a few seconds, but he responded. He kissed me back.

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