Telling the truth

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"So, did you enjoy the film?" Asked Violetta, skipping to the car.

"It was okay." I replied.

"What about you dad? You've been quiet."

"What? Huh? Yeah it was alright." He replied, getting in the front seat.

I let Violetta sit in the front next to her dad and I sat behind her.

"So Violetta, I hope you and Leon kept you hands to yourself." I said to tease her.

"I hope that you and dad did too!"

"What?" We both asked at the same time.

"I was just joking, sheesh!" Replied Violetta.

Me and German let out a nervous laugh.

"So where are we going now?" Asked Violetta.

"We're going for tea, Angie has something she'd like to tell you." German looked at me though the mirror as if to say 'do you still want to go through with this'.

I gave him a reassuring nod.


We walked over to a table for four, which meant there was a spare seat and Violetta was quick to ask questions.

"What is it Angie? Are you leaving again?" She asked with a hint of panic in her voice.

"No I-"

"Well are you -"

"Violetta, let her speak." Said German.

"Violetta I'm... I'm pregnant."

"What?! Well congrats! I can't wait! Wait, who's the father? Is it Carlos?" She asked sounding shocked.

"No, the father isn't Carlos." Said German, he sounded annoyed at Violetta's suggestion.

"Wait, you already knew?" She asked.


"Well who is the father?"

"Violetta..." Said German in a soothing tone.

Violetta guessed it.

"What? You mean, what? Please tell me I've got this wrong? You? What about Beatriz?"

"Violetta, I was drunk. Beatriz was away and -"

"Yes, I know how babies are made." Said Violetta, annoyed. "Dad, could you leave us alone? I'd like a word with Angie."

German excused himself and went outside.

"Violetta, I'm so sorry." I said.

I really did feel guilty, by telling her this I've put her in a really difficult position, but I really wanted her to know.

"I just didn't want to lie to you, I promised you that I'd always tell you the truth, even when you probably don't want to hear it, so that's what I'm doing right now." I tried to justify my self.

Violetta gave me a slight smile.

"So does he know?" She asked.

"Does who know what?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"Does he know that you're still in love with him?" She asked causally, taking a bite out of her chip.

"What? Violetta that's crazy, why would you even think that I'm still..."

She gave me a look that said 'give it up, Angie.'

I started to push my food around my plate with my fork. I let out a sigh.

"No. No he doesn't know. He's not going to know is he, Violetta?"


"Is he Violetta?" I repeated in a stern voice.


"Thank you." I replied with a smile.

"Angie... You do know that the wedding has been brought forward to next week, right?"

I felt a lump in my throat as I tried to speak, I didn't want to look weak, so I pretended that I knew.

"Yes, I know. Vilu, I'll be okay. I'll get over this, I'll find someone else."

I'm pretty sure I'm lying, every man I've met seems to remind me of him in one way or another, there seems to be no way to get over him.

She reached over the table and grabbed my hand, "I'll always be here for you" she said with a smile.

"I was hoping you'd say that, you're the only family I've got left."

I hugged Violetta across the dinner table and waved at German to come back in.

"Congrats dad," said Vilu as her dad sat back in his chair, "just one tiny detail... Begins with B and ends in Z..."


"Does she know?"

"No, not yet."

Not yet? Was he planning on telling her? If he was, why didn't he tell me that?

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