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wait so what did you do when you were drunk

i ate a tablespoon of salt first
dont ask why
then i did a bodyshot off my ex
dont ask why
i lost my shirt and my left sock at some point
eh no one was complaining

i feel like i have to get to know tou now
what the fuck
why would you put this much oressure on me
im not good in these situations

whatchu wanna know

ight imma just fire off a list of questions and you can answer as you please
favorite color
shoe size
instagram username
do you have a weheartit account bc if u do we can just end this conversation here
do your hips lie
whatchu look like hoe
u gotta bf
u know hiw to multiply quadritic equations bc i dont and im a mess
im actually in live with u
lets get married and adoot a bunch if babies
its legal in the us now

fuck yeah
lets get hitched and have hot lesbian sex
that is assuming you assumed im a girl and were referencing to lesbian marriage

fuck yeah

fuck yeah

its impressive how low my gpa is
this is all over the place
i sometimes wonder if id be better iff weitinf smut
obviously not i dont have a big enough vocabulary for that

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