Tour pt. 2// Chapter 2

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Lyra's Pov: Todays the day I go to meet Bryces stupid friends. Like idrc about tour, yeah its cool but wtf am I supposed to fucking do for 2-3 hours while theyre at their stupid "meet n' greets".

<time skippit skip>

Lyra's Pov: Oh greattt were finally here with Bryces STUPID friends. Oh. My. God. Am I dreaming or is that I think who it is? "Justin Blake...?" "Yup thats me." "Bryce why didnt you mention that youre friends are so cool?!" I said with excitment. We walked to the tour bus and everyone was getting asigned rooms, and all I heard was "Justin and Lyra in the back with the singular bed!" Shit shit shit shit. This always happens to me I'll get paired with a cute ass boy who I like and I'll fuck the whole friendship up by doing something stupid.

Justin's Pov: I wanted to get paired with one of the boys, buuutttt noooo I had to get paired with the prettiest fucking girl on earth. "Lyra get your bags and put them in our room." "Okay dumbass." Damn shes sassy. Justin likey.(😂😂) Anyway while she was putting her stuff away Bryce came up to me and whispered "Blake you try shit sith her I'll fuck your pretty face up. Got it?" "Yeah whatever." And with that Lyra came out of the room and yelled "BRYCE LEAVE HIM ALONE HE DIDNT DO SHIT TO YOU!!!".

Time mother fucking skip bitch

Tyler's Pov: We are at the meet and greet when some fan came up to me and asked "Is #Jyler real?" I looked at Justin and he said "No its not and it will NEVER be a thing! Besides I have my eye on some1 else."
And with that said my heart shattered when he said that because i really like Justin...


Idk how frequent Ill post

Tour//Justin Blake//[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now