Leaving?//Chapter 6

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Justin's Pov: Me and Lyra came back from the Hotel and she seemed mad. "Lyra whats-" "YOURE THE REASON IM NOT OKAY. YOURE THE MOTHER FUCKING REASON I HAVE TRUST ISSUES!" "Lyra?, I dont know what I fucking did to you but all I fucking know is that I like you and I have for awhile!" "Yeah me too, but what the fuck are we Justin?! What are we?! Friends with benifits or boyfriend and girlfriend?! What the fuck are we!!!" "Lyra I just dont wanna have sex and then get into a huge ass fight over nothing!" "Me either but what are we thats all I fucking asked!" "Were boyfriend and girlfriend." "I have to text Bryce." She just got so fucking mad for no reason. I have other things besides her to worry about anyways. I guess Ill go back to the tour bus.

Lyra's Pov: I need to text Bryce.

(Convo between Bryce and Lyra)

Lyra: Hey Bryce when does tour end?

Bryce: In 3 months


Bryce: Why are you even asking me this shit?

Lyra: I wanna go back home...

Bryce: Why Lyra? Youre never like this. Why now?

Lyra: One motherfucking word. Justin

Bryce: What the fuck did he do to you now.

Lyra: He did nothing I just dont wanna be around him anymore. He stresses me out too fucking much.

Bryce: Well our next stop is Minnesota.

Lyra: Great. Just what I needed right now MORE stress!

Bryce: Dad lives in Minnesota. We could drop you off there.

Lyra: You dont understand what he does to me there...

Bryce: Lyra what does he do to you? You can tell me baby sis Im here for you.

Lyra: He's raped me everytime I go there even when we ALL LIVED TOGETHER!

Bryce: I guess youll have to hang on a little longer. Trust me when I FRIST went on tour I was JUST LIKE YOU I never liked being away from home. Little sis I know you dont wanna be on tour with me and the boys but that wasnt your choice....

Lyra: Man Im so lucky to have a brother like you...<3

Bryce: And Im so happy to have a little sister like you <3...

Lyra: Thanks Bryce I have to go now. Talk to you later...

Bryce: Same goes for you too.

Lyra's Pov: Man Im glad he can relate to me so much. I guess we have sorta the same worries and insurecuretes.... I decided to go apologize to Justin because I dont want him to feel like he did something wrong cause he didnt do shit to me I was just being sensitive. I then saw Justin in our room, but with someone else? "Justin?" "oH sHiT i DiDnT tHiNk YoU wErE cOmInG bAcK." "Whoes in bed with you?" "Ummm thats not important." "Justin yes it is whoes in bed with you?!" "Raegan...." "HE RAPED ME AND THEN YOURE HAVING SEX WITH HIM?!?!?" "Its not like that Lyra I promise!" "THEN WHY THE FUCK ARE YALL NAKED?!?!" "Uh yeah about that..." "You know what Justin?! Im leaving tour because Im sick of you playing with my fucking heart!" "Im-" "Yes you are." "But Lyra I thought you liked me?" "I know were dating but I definetly dont like you anymore!" "Well neither do I!" That was a total lie I love Justin so much, but the boy has to learn how keep his promises...
"I LET YOU HAVE MY VIRGINITY TOO!" "Yeah I know and Im such an idiot." "Only fools fall for you and Im one of them..."  "Lyra its okay I just needed a distraction from you so my best bet was Raegan..." "Okay well you just fucking wait untill Bryce hears about this Justin!" Then Raegan woke up....fucking great.... "Lyra what the hell are you doing in here yelling at MY BOYFRIEND?!" "One bitch he's not "your boyfriend" he's mine, and for two GET THE FUCK OUT OF ME ABD JUSTINS ROOM RAEGAN!" "Okay slut!" "RAEGAN DONT FUCKING TALK TO HER LIKE THAT WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!"

I hope yall are still enjoying this book. Yes woo I updated Ive been slacking on that and Im so sorry.

Instagram: xanarchy.justin

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