2p England x Reader (One-Shot)

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It was a lazy afternoon and you were cuddling with your boyfriend Oliver Kirkland, or Ollie, as he preferred to be called. Everything was oddly serene in this moment. Birds were singing, cicadas were buzzing here and there, and there was a light breeze ruffling the grass and wind chimes outside.

You casually peeked up at your lover who was already staring at you, startling you slightly. Oliver giggled softly at your reaction,  pressing a light kiss to the bridge of your nose then smiling brightly at you. Returning the smile you thought: 'Yes, this moment is just perfect... Maybe to perfect?' No interruption from Al or Matt bursting into the house, no grumpy François hobbling down the stairs demanding to be fed. Not that you minded the peacefulness, it just seems odd that not a single thing has bothered to interrupt your intimate time with Ollie. Or, so you thought...

As if on cue, Boisterous voices could be heard from outside the front door of your shared home. Oliver sighed and gently sat up with you still in his arms. "I suppose this lovely moment couldn't last forever hmm, love?" He said chuckling a bit as he gazed into your (E/C) pools and ran his soft fingers through your hair. He was obviously a little disappointed that your time together was interrupted but, he did enjoy when the boys would visit, as long as they weren't cussing up a storm or fighting each other that is... Getting up, Oliver went over to the kitchen to prepare some snacks while you went to answer the door. Greeting the two boys you lead them to the table where Ollie had prepared some tasty looking treats and some drinks. "Hope we ain't interrupting anything, doll~." He smirked peeking at Oliver who had a light blush dusted on his freckled cheeks. Matt smacked Al upside the head. "Of course we are dip shit, they look like they just woke up. He grumbled at Al while seating himself at the table. Al Glared harshly at Matt at swatted him back. "Don't fucking hit me ass wipe!" He growled obviously getting ready to fight. "BOYS! That is most certainly enough!" Oliver yelled getting in between the two and holding his trusty swear jar in his arms. 

You watched as Al and Matt bickered while Oliver desperately tried to get them to stop and pay the swear jar. Chuckling to your self, you continued to watch them fondly. 'Today was definitely a perfect day.'


This is my first reader insert! Constructive criticism is welcome and don't be afraid

to correct my grammar! I'm always looking to improve. 


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