Reaction to their naga daughter getting chased by poachers?

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"what's 2p austria 2p italy 2p prussia 2p america and 2p canada's reaction to their naga daughter getting chased by poachers?" - original ask

((warning angry snek dads incoming))

2p Austria:

He's sitting happily under a tree with his daughter wrapped up in his arms while listening to the agonizing screams of the poachers who dared try and harm his daughter. "It's like music to my ears, right, little one~?"

2p Italy:

Luciano goes into a fit of pure rage wanting to end those horrid humans lives right there for even scaring his daughter. For the time being, he brings the young naga to her mother (or what ever you want to identify as) as takes care of those foul humans himself.

2p Prussia:

Poor bab goes into a panic, desperately grabbing his child and trying his best to ward the poachers off with the intimidating sounds of hissing. If they continue to approach him and his daughter, he'll most likely knock them out and escape back to their home.

2p America:

Al won't hesitate to attack those poachers if they chase and scare his daughter. He won't end their lives but he will give them some scars to remember him by and as a warning to stay away. If those poachers come back, he will end them.

2p Canada:

Matt wouldn't even think twice before snatch his child into his arms and knock the poachers off their feet. Bringing his daughter to his mate, he'd head back to the poachers and get rid of them. For good. 

2p Hetalia s/o Scenarios and moreWhere stories live. Discover now