Shit that happens at my school as 2ps

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My school use to be high on the charts.. in like 2007.

2p America: artichoke me daddy

2p Canada: Isn't this a Catholic school?

2p Japan: *text notification is a loli saying onii chan*

2p Germany: *spams the rolblox Oof sound from his phone*

2p China: *laughing at nothing and is high as a kite in class*

2p Italy: *Whips a meatball at someone*

2p England: *stole a tray of cookies from the lunch ladies and threw them at the students*

2p Russia: Are we seriously here to just listen to you drone from a text book? Do you not have any prior knowledge on this subject? I could probably teach this class better than your dumbass ((boi got suspended))

2p France: Can one of you knock me out with that pan so I have an excuse to go home? ((I said this during my Hospitality class cause we were going to do our CPT))

2p Hetalia s/o Scenarios and moreWhere stories live. Discover now