Game is on

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It is 10:30 in the evening and the rain is still pouring hard, I don't know if my umbrella can save me from getting too much wet and I don't think riding on a cab can even help.

I went down to the coffee shop which at this point in time is still open, it is the best spot when you want to heat up yourself a bit against the cold weather.

"I think you should wrap up a bit." Mr.Buckerberg said while serving a customer with a coffee, Yeah!It's really getting cold.

"Cuppa?" Mr.Buckerberg asked as he passed by my table, I shook my head, I am just waiting the rain to min a little.

I glared at the mirror glass searching for my own reflection thinking: What if I continued my studies,I might be a licensed doctor by now if Eurus just didn't driven mad by his foolishness,though I might be glad to be exposed to the world but that would require huge consequences,list of huge consequences.

As I think about my 'What if's' I just caught the little side of myself asking 'Is being a doctor is what I really want?' what if I were just an ordinary person who can choose whatever i wanted to be?what will I be? Maybe a rockstar, I slightly snorted I found my own idea stupid and funny.

But yeah! If it's not the human veins I might be stringing a guitar string.

Letting me do whatever I wanted to do might be something I can cherish but as long as Ulysses is telling me that he is still looking after me celebration is at risk.

It is really annoying when my older brother says some thing that implies that I am the only genuine idiot in the family,his way of mocking really developed my creative and sarcastic way of answering his genius ideas.

Puzzles. Really dramatic puzzles. Oh! well it is really adorable when you are the only one who doesn't know what you are into, You are hiding from something you do not know, You are fighting a battle of you don't know and you are entirely someone you don't know. I thought I can wash away every thought of fear inside my head when I realized that after two years of letting me wander around the city Ulysses showed himself, that tells me a lot.

No matter how loose Ulysses is these times I can't still say that I am already free. I am still a Briggette Gustave, the Briggs. The people that I really love doesn't know what is my real name, Nobody knows me. Mr. Drew knows but I don't trust that pervert old man to keep my secret, I bet he'll use the information to blackmail me and when that time comes I'm going to kick his other leg so that he cannot walk out of his basement anymore.phew!

When the Rain stopped pouring I decided to go but Mrs.Jhonsons called me back.

"Briggs! James asked me to tell you if you can buy him a couple of pannacotta."

"can't he go there?" I asked.

"Poor man he had a swollen leg, He said he was attacked by a smackhead. Can you buy him? Please?" Mrs.Jhonsons's sweet voice is a music to my ears, I nodded.

"Thank you" She looks very delighted.

I felt a little guilt because of his leg but to rationalize the situation I just taught him his lesson 'Do not measure my boobs' and 'Do not look at it'.

A smackhead?So I am A Smackhead, oh well! Poor Old Man.

I walked to the bar.

"I must be paid double, these smackheads are making my job harder." Cecilia protested while mopping the facade of the bar, The two bouncers were not reacting to her complains, they were just standing like statues emotionless and bulky. The muddy foot prints triggered her untamed attitude, things like this happens during rainy days.

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