Butterflies in the Stomach

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We are dancing in a ball wearing grandiose clothes.

"Why are we dancing?" I asked between our steps. I am avoiding to miss any step to not disappoint him.

"Why do we dance?" He asked back with a smile.

"Mr.Drew?! Why are you asking me my own question?" I asked him trying to avoid smiling.

"Because we do not know why we are dancing." There is no funny. Really no funny but when two people shares the same feeling they start doing things out of the blue. We burst in laughter.

He leaned his forehead on mine and closed his eyes. I can feel him breathing. The butterflies in my stomach started to tremble and my heart pounded faster.

"I am not feeling good. Something aches here." I stopped dancing and I pointed to my chest. He grabbed my hand and kissed it gently.

"It's alright. It's just me." He said.

"You? What do you mean?"


"Where does it hurt?" ...

It's very awful to wake up from a dream that you really wanted to stay at. Funny wasn't it? To find yourself enjoying a very bizarre dream.

 I found Prince Norman sitting beside me. I reckon he'd been watching me sleep talk, he is obviously trying to hide his smile. Now I am wondering whatelse did I say when I'm asleep.

"where does it hurt?" He asked again mocking.

"Oh! Nothing..How long have I been sleeping?" I'm afraid it took me a couple of hours.

"Not as long as snow white's, pretty enough though. Shall we go?" The Prince offered me his hands and handed me my sandals.

"I'm really sorry Sir!" I apologized. I don't know what's my apology for but I'm certain that sleeping on somebody else's allure while you're supposed to cherish the place is not really a good manner and more when it is the queen's.

He laughed at me, but not the kind of laugh that you do when you're mocking but rather the one you show when you feel something joyous inside your heart.

"Sofia and I wished to have a child." I do not know what to say. I know that answering is not obligatory but I do not want him to feel that he is alone as my highest respect to my late aunt Sofia. To my relief he summed up his words shortly.

"I want to experience being a father, funny though but I really wanted to if I am going to have a chance" I am very touched with his words until something inside me flickered and reminded me to never put my guards down. This man...This man  might be the one who tried to kill me and my friends.

"I never had a mom" I muttered. I want to tell him what is my position about my mother's absence ever since I was a child. I never knew my mother. I never knew who she is, what are her favorites and how she lived or how she thinks, I do not know her. Justice seekers atleast know what and who are the people they avenge for, the exact thing I am not. I am avenging for the things I should have and never had. These are all for mom.

When the prince felt that I am not reacting he changed the topic. Switched the whole demeanor of the walk to the flowers. He explained why there are no shuttle inside the garden and why the horses are only present at the west side of the garden. He is a very good tour guide. The only thing that I think is important is the knowledge that the place is kept as a sanctuary and should be peaceful.

I pretended enjoying his flower trivia until we reached the living room where the queen and Ulysses is exchanging information about the wines.

"My Highness!" Prince Norman bowed and I myself gestured imitating him.

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