Chapter 13: A Midday Mind

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Given that the closest thing he had to friends at this new school were both complete grumps, Ethan was once again unsure where he would sit for lunch. He picked up a sub from the cafeteria and waded into the seating area, hoping to find somewhere that wasn't already filled with students. The prospects didn't look good.

"Need somewhere to sit, bud?"

Ethan wasn't sure the question was directed at him, but he looked around anyway. A familiar face sat alone at a table beside him, playing an old Game Boy. He was a husky guy with short golden hair and a goatee that gave shape to his chin. It took Ethan a moment to remember that it was one of Neil's friends. Duncan was his name.

Duncan's grin spread all across his wide face. "Have a seat. Ethan, right?"

"Yeah," said Ethan. He put his sub on the table and sat. "Thanks."

"You bet." Duncan put his Game Boy down. "I see the spooky dream guy hasn't killed you."

It was a strange subject to be discussing in public, but Ethan supposed it was loud and distracting enough in the cafeteria that no one would pay attention. And if they did, they would probably think the two of them were discussing a video game or something.

"Nope," said Ethan. "Actually, he never even showed up last night."

Duncan nodded, chewing his lunch. He had a small carton of fries, which he had been picking from. "That's good, right?"

Ethan shrugged and unwrapped his sub. "I thought so, but Neil seems bummed out about it for some reason."

"Ah. Well, the dream man has been his little project for the past few weeks, and he was excited that he finally tracked him down. He figured the dream man wouldn't stop going after you until, you know."

"He killed me."

"Right. So the fact that the dream guy didn't show up means that Neil was wrong--and he hates being wrong."

Ethan thought about this as he ate. He didn't think Neil's behavior was simply a matter of him being humbled at being wrong, but he realized he barely knew Neil. No doubt Duncan knew what he was talking about.

"Where is Neil, anyway?" Ethan asked.

Duncan rolled his heavy shoulders. "No clue."

"He doesn't eat here with you? And Pryce and Kara?"

"Neil? No way. He's always working on his little Worldmind projects. Doesn't have time for normal life. We only got together the past couple lunches because he was convinced he found a connection to the dream man."

"That connection would be me, I take it."

"Bingo. He tries to get Kara into it, and she always insists Pryce join in, being that the three of them are the only psychics in the school. Well, until you came along. But Pryce isn't easy to get along with, and Kara's majorly socially anxious, so the four of us aren't much more than acquaintances unless we have a reason to get together. That's the short version, anyway."

"And the long version?"

Duncan waved it off. "A lot of drama between the three of them. I'm not one to gossip, though."

Ethan thought as much. He supposed it wasn't his business. "Fair enough. So, uh, since you're not psychic..."

"What's my involvement with the Worldmind?"

Ethan nodded.

"You know the basic concept of the Worldmind, yeah? Mutable world made up of memories?"

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