Chapter 28: The Blame Game

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Ethan wandered around the dividing wall that was between Neil's bedroom-slash-rumpus room and into the laundry area, giving Neil and Kara some privacy. He took the time to text Violet.

any progress?

She replied soon after.

Sort of. I've found his name online, but it's not like the dude used Twitter.

it's a start. find any information about him?

Violet texted that any information on Westbrook was only found on internet history archives--expired websites that could no longer be found just by entering a URL. When Ethan asked her how she could find the information if the websites weren't up anymore, Violet said it was simple as long as you knew how.

It was hit or miss whether the archive would be up to date or even there at all. It almost looked like someone tried to erase any information about Westbrook from the internet. There were no pictures anywhere, just the occasional mention in conspiracy websites about the government trying to control people's minds. Go figure.

Ethan told her to keep looking, and to try not to dismiss too much conspiracy stuff. While the conspiracy theorists were likely wrong about what psychics were capable of, it looked like they were on to Westbrook, and might know how to find him.

Violet said she was on it and she'd text him back as soon as she found something solid.

Ethan put his phone away and walked back into the rumpus room, hoping not to find an amnesic Neil making out with Kara. He still needed to ask Kara something about Pryce. Thankfully, they were both sitting on the couch again and watching the movie. Kara's head was resting on Neil's shoulder, but otherwise they kept their hands and faces to themselves.

"Kara," said Ethan. "I need to talk to you for a minute. Then I'll go."

He could hear her sigh, but she got up and followed him into the laundry room.

"What's up?" she said. She wasn't as cold to him as she was before, nor as shy as she had been when he first met her.

Making progress, I guess.

"You said you texted Pryce about what happened last night. What all did you tell him?"

She pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes before saying, "Ethan, I understand that you don't like Pryce, but you don't need to antagonize him just because he didn't think to jump into the Worldmind last night. It was stupid of me to do it, and it would have been stupid of him, too."

"You said you told him that the dream man attacked you. Did he ask who the dream man was?"

Kara frowned in confusion. "No. Why would he--"

Her eyes widened.

"Oh, no," she said. "He, he must have... He must have seen..."

"He wasn't there when I faded Westbrook," Ethan said slowly. "So why does he still remember the dream man? He should be just like Ms. Stafford: completely oblivious to who the dream man is. When I showed him that sketch I drew of Westbrook, Pryce recognized it immediately. How could he do that?"

"I-- I don't--" Kara stammered.

"How, Kara? I don't know this psychic stuff half as well as you guys. Tell me how he could do it. Take a minute and think."

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