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Charlie left Romania for the day to spend the day with Tonks who had requested him to visit her that day. He fortunately was meant to be having the day off anyway so apparating to England was all that was needed.

He met the young woman with bubblegum pink hair outside of the Leaky Cauldron Pub in London. Bringing each other into a hug, it was a nice feeling to be back with each other.

"Please tell me you've heard from her." Charlie mumbled into the crook of his friends' neck.

"I haven't." Replied Tonks pulling away. "But I've heard from her parents. That's why I asked you to spend the day with me. They want to talk to us."

Charlie furrowed his eyebrows, and his heart fell heavy. "Please let it be good."

"I don't know, Char, the parchment had tear stains." Tonks told him, sadly. "As soon as I got it I owled you. They are expecting us in ten minutes. Shall we go?"

Charlie nodded and took the woman's hand. They dissapparated, landing quickly outside of Nancy's childhood home. It looked no different to how it was when they last visited, the summer before their seventh year. It was a bittersweet moment to be back, it brought back so many happy memories but they were quickly dissolved by the melancholy feeling of what they had lost.

After Tonks knocks the door swung open quickly and Vincent Mulligan ushered the pair in. Sally has already made hot chocolate the way her daughter and the pair always had and was seated in the living room. 

Upon seeing the pair she stood and pulled them into a hug. "Look at you both! Every time I see you, you both grow more gorgeous!" She smiled cupping their cheeks. "Please, sit, sit."

Charlie and Tonks, both confused by the nature of Mr and Mrs Mulligan, sat down, still holding hands trying to brace themselves for what news  they were going to receive.

"I'm sorry if this comes across as rude, but why exactly are we here?" Asked Charlie.

Vincent smiled and took a folded piece of parchment form his pocket. "We received this just two days ago. We thought we ought to show you." He passed Tonks the parchment and she opened it slowly.

Both she and Charlie read it and tears welled in both of their eyes. "It's her." Tonks muttered pressing her hand to her lips. "I can tell from the bad handwriting. It's not changed at all."

Charlie was lost for words. He took the parchment from her hands and took a closer look. "She's okay. She has to be." Said Charlie. "Did you see the owl?"

"It came by floo network." Claimed Sally. "We're just happy we have word from her after all of these years!"

Charlie nodded, "I'll be back." He didn't even leave the room before apparating away.

"Where's he going?"

"I dunno."

* * *

Charlie stormed through the ministry, not even bothering to pin his visitors badge on, he held it tightly in his hand along with the note from Nancy. Searching for the right department he passed his father who looked at him skeptically, calling out to him but receiving no response.

Finding the right department Charlie banged on the office door and waited to be let in. Inside sat a short man, stubble on his chin and greying hair.

"Ah, Charles Weasley. What can I do for you?" Asked the man.

"Vincent and Sally Mulligan received a letter through the floo network and we'd like to trace it so we know where it came from." He spoke, straight to the point.

"And why is that?"

Charlie's sighed, "because we have reason to believe it is their daughter Nancy who has been missing off the face of the earth for the past five years. We'd like to know where she is and this is the only way."

"Missing you say?"

"She just disappeared in the middle of the night. That's all. Please, this is important." Charlie rubbed the back of his neck, his eyes pleading the elder wizard.

The man smiled, "it'll take sometime."

"I don't care. As long as you find it out."

"I'll see what I can do."

Charlie thanked the wizard before leaving the office and the ministry, returning to the Mulligan's.

Sally, Vincent and Tonks were happy to see him back as he sat back down handing Vincent the letter back. "Where'd you go, darling?" Asked Sally.

"I went to the ministry. They're going to try and trace the network and see the address Nancy sent it from." Charlie told them.

"Oh thank Merlin!" Cried Tonks hugging Charlie. "We'll find her. We're just one step closer."

Charlie nodded, a smile etched on his face. It finally felt as if there was a possibility of seeing her once more. He was glad that her handwriting hadn't changed. It may seem silly but it meant a lot. It meant she hadn't changed much.

Back in school, she had told him that if she was to change at all, the first thing she'd change was her handwriting. Making it neater. But no. The sloppy scribble was still the same as it always had been and Charlie could only express how happy he was to see it.

The four shared a large group hug and raised their glasses to the letter and hope.

It finally felt better.

Letters to Nancy||Charlie WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now