Chapter 4: It'd Suck If My Alcoholic Tendencies Killed Me Before The Wedding

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Chapter Four: It'd Suck If My Alcoholic Tendencies Killed Me Before The Wedding



There's a lot I could tell you about Beth's bachelorette in great detail. We wore matching black dresses while Beth was in a classy white dress that my mother would definitely approve of. The limo we'd hired was spacious and Beth's friends from college and work were nice enough and we got along well. It started off tame, a few drinks, gift exchanges that traumatised me for life because they involved my brother in scenarios I'd rather rip my eyes out than imagine and fun games like who knows the bride best.

Tame, like I said.

But that's where my memory starts to get a little hazy. I remember a nightclub and the flashing lights. I remember one too many shots of tequila and Cami being the first who climbed on a table to dance. Someone, I think Leslie, Beth's friend from school climbed on next and there had definitely been some gyrating between those two. Like I just said, my memory starts to get hazy at this point.

I dare not attempt to crack an eyelid open, not when my skull feels like someone's going at it with a hammer. I can feel the mother of a headache building up at my temples and moan into my pillow, my entire body hurting and feeling like it weighs a ton. My mouth feels absolutely disgusting, dry and with a clear aftertaste of alcohol but thankfully not puke. Though the moment I think about it, my stomach starts to churn and I have to will myself to not throw up.

What the hell happened last night?

"Rise and sunshine shortcake."

Hey, I know that voice.

I must have made an incoherent sound because Cole laughs and I hear a door shut behind him, a sound that I am a hundred times more sensitive to right now.

"I know better than to take advantage of you in your current state but if I said I told you so, would you hit me?"

I nod into my pillow, a huge mistake because ouch my head.

"Here, come on try and get up. I've come bearing gifts."

"I can't, I'm dead." My voice is muffled by the pillow, whose pillow I couldn't possibly tell you because I have no idea where I even am but it's nice and squishy.

"Thankfully we got to you before things got that bad but I'd say you tried your best. Come on Tessie, drink up or you'll feel like shit at the wedding."

God, the wedding that's in two days. What were we even thinking having the bachelorette in the same week? It's going to take me a good while to nurse this hangover, especially considering it has been a couple of years since I went on a bender like this one. I'll chalk it up to a double celebration, my best friend is marrying my brother and I couldn't be happier for them. Although it'd suck if my alcoholic tendencies killed me before the wedding. I tell Cole the same and he chuckles, it's about the only sound I can tolerate.


"I'm not going to let anything happen to you shortcake. If I only get to have three more days with you then you bet your delectable little ass on it that you'll be sober and awake for it all."

"Hmph." I gingerly flop onto my back and stare up at Cole, who looks way too hot right now. Freshly showered, hair still slightly damp, he's wearing a fitted black t-shirt and my favourite pair of worn jeans that he owns. The sight is enough to make me want to at least attempt to get up, attempt being the operative word here. I feel nauseous and tired, the headache that'd previously been threatening to build now fully raging.

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