Chapter Ten:You Can't live With Them,Can't Order A Mob Hit On Them Either

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Chapter Ten: You Can't Live With Them, Can't Order a Mob Hit on Them Either


Boys will be boys.

I hate that phrase, I really do. What does it even mean? What is this universal pass that allows the opposite sex to act like complete imbeciles and that behaviour is explained by that one infuriating phrase,that boys will be boys? I grit my teeth and try not to bite off my dad's head through the phone because that's exactly what he tells me.

"No dad, not buying it. I might honestly need you to send in that helicopter you once mentioned."

"Tess honey, it's not like I've got one parked in the garage." He chuckles and my blood boils. I take a look at the pair seated on opposite sides of the vinyl booth and consider tipping the waitress a little extra if she could just slip a little bit of laxative in their drinks.

"But you do technically own one right?"

He hesitates, clears his throat and then obviously gives in. "I do," he sighs, "but it's nowhere near where you are right now so I would suggest that you stick with your car."

"But Dad, it's either the helicopter or homicide. You pick."

"It can't be that bad."

Oh but it is exactly, that bad.

Only the Stone brothers could make a two hour journey back home feel like the descent to hell, right from Greek mythology. I felt like I was Persephone, languishing in hell for half of the year as I tried to drive these two demons back to our hometown. Now that we'd stopped for food, I'd been contemplating dining and ditching knowing that they were more than capable of finding their own way. Either they would arrive home, both of them intact or one of their corpse's would end up in the woods.

Of course I'm rooting for my man but it would be so great if he didn't turn into a sociopath around his step-brother.

"Would you like me to send in re-enforcements?"

"Such as?"

"I don't know, maybe the Farrow Hills police department to make sure those boys don't get ahead of themselves?"

I sigh, it shouldn't have to be this difficult. Gazing at their table, watching Cole and Jay bicker like it's going out of fashion, I realise that the fact that they were usually separated by considerable land mass is a blessing and that perhaps holidays would always be a nightmare. Someone needed to step up and make sure that they learnt how to get along and not treat each other like the scum of the earth.

That someone would have to be me.

"Don't worry Dad, I'm over the theatrics. I'll get them home." I blow out a breath and hang up on him and store in my memory the fact that my father owns a helicopter.

"Boys," I say walking towards them and slipping into the booth next to Cole. "Have you ordered?"

"No," They both say in unison and resume glaring at one another.

I see a poor, terrified waitress hovering nearby, pen and paper gripped tightly in her hands. I try to kindly signal her over because she looks like she's both entrance and scared to death of these two, obviously good looking guys who're both looking like they're about to burst out of their clothing and go all Hulk on each other's behinds.

I really need to sort out this mess, it's Thanksgiving weekend for crying out loud and I'm in the middle of throwing an over the top, slightly extravagant and completely against Beth's guidelines, engagement party for my brother and best friend. These boys need to get it together because I did not spend the budget of a small family's trip to a luxury island resort in Thailand on this party to have two testosterone fuelled grown up men act like toddlers.

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