Chapter Twenty: I Doubt My Dad Invests In Industrial Strength Earplugs.

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Chapter Twenty: I Doubt My Dad Invests In Industrial Strength Earplugs


I should have known that an engagement party isn't exactly my dad's style, not the second time around. I did find it weird when he told me about it last night because until then he and Danielle had denied any pre-wedding celebrations because they wanted to keep things low key and then all of a sudden there's this big shindig at a friend's house. Only we're not at any of his friends' houses but at the park near my home, the one I grew up visiting and there's a growing sense of trepidation building up inside me the deeper Beth leads me in. At least with her I know she won't turn out to be an axe murderer, right?


"Where are we going?"

"There's been a slight change of plans so we're having a picnic instead, much more Danielle's style. She freaked out when she found out about the ice statues."

"Ice statues in May?"

"Hey, you rich people do stupid stuff all the time, I don't question it."

"But why do you know about this and not me? And why are we so dressed up if it's just going to be a picnic? And are you sure Cole's not answering his phone? He said he's helping his Dad clear out the garage and maybe he's just lying there trapped under all those boxes and Cassandra's trapped him in."

"You know you're imagination's a little too wild, even for me. Tamp it down girl, he'll come around when he's done."


"Stop with the questions already and keep moving, your dad and Danielle should be arriving soon."

"Okay, okay. Jeez, you're cranky today." I push past her and keep walking towards the lake which holds way too many fond memories for me that keep bombarding me and I almost feel like telling the bump all about mine and Cole's first dance here and every memory that followed. Behind me, Beth's stopped to take an important work call, if her frantic hand movement and the use of the word boss is any clue. She motions for me to keep going so I do, knowing that at least some of the guests are here. I think I spotted...

And then time stops, freezes, roots me to the spot and everything around me suddenly goes absolutely still. The confusion comes first, as to why Cole's standing in front of me, in his suit no less with a picnic blanket laid out next to him with all the things we love but they fade into the background. I focus on the man in front of me, trying to keep my eyes steadily on him otherwise my knees just might give in.

I should have trusted my instinct.

I should have realised that something's up today but in my wildest dreams I couldn't have imagined this. He hasn't said anything yet but he doesn't need to, I'm already crying because I know what's about to happen just as much as I know that I love this guy so much that it hurts too much to even look at him. I'm trying to drink in every little detail about it, trying to commit it to memory so that in years to come I'll always remember what he looked like on the day he asked me to marry him. Crisp grey suit, one that I've never seen before and a black tie that must have taken him ages to knot if he did it himself. But what I'll remember the most is the look on his face right now that's radiating so much love that it nearly cuts me down the middle with the force. I'm afraid I'll start screaming YES before he even asks because without even realising it, I feel like I've been waiting for this moment forever.

He takes my hand and walks me over to the tree.

"Tessie, I fell in love with you the very first day of kindergarten." He's only just starting speaking and I'm a sobbing, quivering mess that he needs to hold close or I'll fall over, I'm shaking like a leaf.
He' struggling to get the words out too, overcome by emotion but he's stronger than me. "I wasn't aware of what love was at that age, all I knew was that I wanted to be near you all the time and you weren't having it." I laugh through the tears, remembering how he'd try and get my attention only for me to give him a wide berth. "But I chased you and I kept chasing you until I finally got you because I'm a stubborn bastard." He laughs, his own eyes starting to shine now.

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