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Felix is a group leader of an organisation. Of course it started off small but he gained a reputation in the secret services world. He got gang members such as: MARK, JACK, ETHAN and TYLER.

MARK: 28 year old Male with a reputation of skilful kills. Never one to settle down in a gang but Felix convinced him otherwise. His one of the most dangerous agents ever known.

Felix met Mark outside a warehouse where Mark just assassinated his latest victim. Felix convinced him to join his side which Mark agreed to once Felix threatens to leak some valid information on Mark.

JACK: 28 year old Male who is known for his crazy and goofy personality. Jack's never one to listen or stick to the plan which ends up landing him in trouble. He is always on the list for the most dangerous agents ever because you never know what his planing next.

Felix broke Jack out of jail because he got caught slashing a man's throat in an alleyway. Using the escape as blackmail against Jack, he had no choice but to join.

TYLER: 29 year old Male with a look that could kill. His emotionless face is what he is most known for but Tyler is always known for his intelligence. He is extremely smart and sets up the plan of attack as if it was a piece of cake. Tyler enjoyed it a lot.

The way him and Felix met was through Nate, an old friend of Felix who knew about his uprising. Nate introduced the two and it didn't take long for Felix to have Tyler on his side. He wasn't too sure if Tyler was all for it since he only nodded.

ETHAN: 21 year old Male who is one of the best hackers. With a click of a button he could get you anywhere and anything...for the right price. Ethan is a bit shy and tend to get over excited sometimes.

Felix met Ethan because Ethan tried to hack into his computer but was caught. Instead of getting murdered Felix offered him a place on the team which he gladly took.

FELIX: 28 year old Male. The biggest and deadliest leader there is. He won't stand for anyone's bullshit. Anyone's. He wants to be the best of the best, take over the city and have everyone under his thumb. Some would say his a bit of a psycho but we all have our flaws.

He hand picked his members based on their stats and personalities. Felix has dirt on every single one of them and he would not hesitate to show it to the world.

PTX-Soprano -Jack
BadLuckFollowsMe - Felix
Hetalitale -Ethan
Sarcaris -Mark
Me- Tyler

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