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"I know what you did Ree." A teen girl with dirty blond hair said. We were on a football field. Our school's football field. Cheers rose as she continued talking. The stadium lights shined brightly into my face, leaving me half blind. 

"You are a whore like everyone is saying you are. Are you proud of what you have done?" The girl pressure be to respond, but I couldn't speak. "Everyone is right. You are a worthless piece of trash." 

"I-I-I-I'm n-n-not trash..." I managed to whisper.

"Oh look, she speaks." A tall boy with brown wavy hair and blue eyes mocked as he approached. "You can't be a slut and expect to be liked." He told me. "You aren't welcome here anymore."

The stadium quickly faded and was replaced by the school's hallway, the hallway where my  locker was located. As I walked ever so slowly towards it,  the big red words appeared spray painted all over. Slut. Whore. Bitch. Desperate. Were written sloppily across mine and the lockers around it, but I knew they were all for me. I quickly put my combination into the lock and opened the door. Gallons of water flowed out all at once, pushing me onto the floor. Me and my wet clothes waddled back to the locker and looked inside. The picture of my friends and I were cut in half, leaving only me in the picture. My mirror had the word "Ugly" written with red lipstick. The books I had from all classes were ruined from the sudden flow of water. The rose my lying ex-boyfriend gave to me was ripped and cut, wilting as the minute passed.

"Why?" I heard a girl ask me.

I closed the locker door and it revealed a short girl in all black clothing. This was odd, because this particular girl always wore rainbows and unicorns, every day at school. She was my friend, just like the last two people.

"WHY!" She screamed at me. I ran towards her, but the floor started to cave in, It was like I was walking through quick sand, my body sunk each step. I stopped in my tracks, tears falling down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry... I'm so so sorry! I didn't do it! He lied! He-" I screamed until I was fully submerged in the floor below.


I woke up in cold sweat. I cradled myself on the bed, tears staining myself and my bed sheets. It had been six months and I still had these nightmares every night. After twenty minutes of calming myself down, I looked over at my alarm clock. 4:50 A.M.

I knew I wasn't going to fall back asleep, so I got out of bed, and ran a hot shower in my bathroom. I stayed in there for what seemed to be an hour, just standing there, letting the scorching hot water fall onto my skin. I didn't wince once. 

I dried off,  and threw on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a t-shirt. After what happened... I gave up on looking good. I still put my hair up in a ponytail, so I didn't look totally disgusting, but I hardly used makeup either. It was really only used to cover up some major spots. Today was my first day at this new school. After the "incident" my mom decided it would be beneficial to move two states away, and so we did. In the semi-middle but mostly begining of my last year. 

I told myself that all I was going to do was keep my head down and my grades up. No distractions, no new friends or boyfriends that could potentially ruin my life all over again. I have never been the best at school, but this year, I am going to really try. No more parties and other unnecessary things will be in my way, so I will have plenty of time. I looked over at the clock again and this time, it showed 6:13 A.M.

I headed to the kitchen, only to find my mother there cooking up some pancakes. 

"This is new." I said enthusiastically as I breathed in the aroma.

"I know baby, I just wanted to give you a good meal before you go off today, I'm very proud of you for trying you know." She replied in that nice motherly tone.

"I'm really nervous mom. What if the same thing happens again?" I asked her, my voice a little shaky. 

"It will not sweetie, what happened was not your fault. You need to stop worrying about it, not everyone you will meet will be like that." She assured me as she brought my plate to the table. 

I made my way over there, digging my nails into my palm to keep me from loosing sanity. I needed to do this, I needed to move on. By the time I finished my breakfast, the bus was pulling up to the house. I zipped around the living room grabbing my bag and my phone. I didn't see a need for the phone, but my mom insisted on me bringing it. I never called anyone, and I had deleted all my social media months before. I climbed on the bus and took a seat in the front. I plopped ear buds in my ears and turned on my instant playlist. It was filled with songs from all time periods, even dating back to the thirties. 

As we reached a bus stop, my kids hopped on, but one caught my attention. His milky brown hair bounced as he walked, and you could see through his shirt. He was ripped. Our eyes met for an instance, but I quickly snapped out of it, and I wasn't surprised to see a perfect-bodied blond chick hanging off his shoulder. He and his girl passed me and took a seat in the far back. No Rhea. Not again. 

As the stops flew past, I felt dizzy. Too much noise, too many people to possibly make fun of me. I barely could breathe, I did my best to contain it inside, but I caught the attention of the driver.

"Hey are you okay?" She yelled to me over the chatty kids.

"I'm okay... Just a little dizzy." I managed to yell back.

"Hold on there hon, we are only about two minutes from the school." She told me.

"Okay, thank you." I said.

My breathing finally went back to normal again and my dizziness disappeared. We pulled up to  a huge modern-y kind of building. A big sign hung over the door that said, "Ashville High School".

Great. I could see all the students crowding the front doors, trying to get in. I could see how some of the older students knocked the younger ones out of the way to get in first. God help me.

The bus came to a quick stop, and my face went right into the back of the seat in front of me. Ow... Ugh it was just some immature kid that almost fell in front of us. The bus doors quickly opened and the kids poured into the isle, leaving me trapped in my seat. I was the last person off the bus, which worked in my favor. All the students had cleared out of the main entrance.

I looked through the doors as I stood two feet from it, ready to go inside. Here we are. I could see students make their way around groups that cluttered the lobby. And with that, I took a step in.

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