Avery's POV

When the final bell rang signalling that this dreadfully long day was over, I scooped my bag up off the floor slinging it over my shoulder and pushed through the growing crowd to reach the front doors.

I pushed them open and was greeted my a warm breeze, basically the only kind of breeze you ever get in California.

It was probably reaching about six billion degrees right now but I still wore my sweater that was about seven sizes too big and hung loosely from my frame.

I brushed a few strands of brown hair out of my eyes as I headed down the cement sidewalk leading away from my school.

Most teenagers want nothing more than to walk through their entrance door, kick off their shoes and flop on the couch with a nice sandwich after a painfully long six hours at school, but not me. I hated being home and I also hated sandwiches.

So every day instead of going home after school, I would walk to a local cafe that was just quiet enough and sat. The only thing I would ever order though was a glass of cold water. Never any food or never any fancy drinks, just water.

I would sit there for hours just looking out the window or doing homework or simply listening to the happy people around me.

I would sit in that cafe until nine o clock when it closed and I had no choice but to leave. Sometimes I did go home or sometimes if it was nice enough out, I would go and sit for a while in the park across the street.

My parents were usually to busy with work or each other to even notice I had been gone but other than that they were good people.

Later that night at around midnight I became tired and decided it was tune to go home.

I walked in silence fir a few blocks listening to the cars pass by until I reached my front step.

I pushed the door open quietly even though I wasn't expecting anyone to be home or waiting for me and walked inside the dark entrance.

I slipped my shoes off and began to climb the spiralling stairs leading to the second floor.

I had a decently sized house. Not to big and not to small, it was pleasant but not homey. The walls were white and decorated with expensive looking art that you feel like you have to tip toe around and it was very modern. There were barley any pictures or evidence that there was indeed a family living here. It was more like a small museum.

I ran a warm bath and slipped out of my baggy hoodie.

I sat in the bath thinking about the girl I ran into today, Chasity I think her name was, such a bitch. I thought about what went so wrong in her perfect little life that made her so snobby. A lot of people have it way, way worse than her and her little rich, prep family and they still managed to be down to earth and just genuine, which is clearly not the case with her.

After my hour long bath I pulled on one of my brothers big old t shirts I had kept after the accident and crawled into bed. It didn't take long before I was sound asleep.

Here's to another long day tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2014 ⏰

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