Introduction Arc Episode IV- The Newcomer

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"Alright, Skylar, I'll tell you. But I'm warning you right now, you're gonna find it hard to believe." says Felix.

Skylar smiles. "Felix, I know you're an honest person. Whatever you tell me, know matter how crazy it sounds, I'll know it's the truth."

"Okay. This necklace- it's not from my grandmother. I found on the beach that night I ended up in the hospital. During my fight with Jugo, it glowed and that 'demon' everyone saw... well that was me- like... a personification of my anger. Dean Solis told me that this thing is a Relic- you know all the old stories you heard with powerful magical items in it? They're true."

"So when get really happy, sad or angry you become a whole other person?"

"This is the first time it's happened but I assume that's how it works."

"And all those old bedtime stories are true? Like the Dragon Island Compass?"


Skylar smiles. "I take it that's your favorite story." says Felix.

"Yeah, my mom used to read it to me all every night when I was a kid. A divided village where people who loved dragons fought against those that didn't trust them."

"But then the dragons left the village, leaving behind a compass to their new home, Dragon Island."

They speak at the same time, "and the compass only works in the hands of those with kind, trusting hearts." They look into each other's eyes for a moment, then Felix snaps out of it. "Wait, we're getting of topic here. Skylar you can't tell anyone what I just told you."

"Not even Ken and Arashi? They're our friends!"

"Dean Solis told me not to tell anyone. You weren't even supposed to know! So please, just act like you don't know anything!" Felix walks off to his room.

Later, that night, Felix is asleep. Suddenly black ink pours down from the ceiling. Felix can't get out because the door is locked. The ink fills up the room and Felix is floating in it. He hears a voice saying, "I know why you won't anyone to know. You're scared aren't you? The minute they find out your a psychopath, they'll reject you just like back in-"

"Shut up!" Felix fires multiple lightning blast that have no effect. The voice laughs. "You know it's true. You weren't normal then, and it's even worse now. You're a freak, Felix! A freak!" Felix screams and then wakes up to find his room is normal. "What the hell was that?" he wondered. 

The next day, the group is in Dean Solis's classroom. "Felix, are you okay?" asks Ken. "I thought I heard you scream last night." 

"I'm fine, Ken. It was just a nightmare." Dean Solis then calls everyone's attention. "Listen up because today's lesson is important! This was originally planned for later in the semester, but after yesterday's events it can no longer wait. I'm going to teach you about how to exorcise demons." 

Wow he's really trying to sell the whole demon threat, isn't he. This and the guarding spells those exorcists cast this morning will really convince people, thinks Felix.

"First, know that there's a exorcism spell for every form of magic. I'll demonstrate mine." Solis throws out a capsule ball, releasing a demon. "Purifying Light!" Dean Solis's body glows and immensely bright light flashes all over the room. The demon lets out a blood curdling scream as it disintegrates. "As you can see, Purifying Light can destroy demons around me and even those inside me. You can use spells to kill demons inside other people, including yourself." Dean Solis hands out scrolls. "Each scroll has an exorcism spell. I given you each one based on your affinity. I want you to learn your spell by the end of the week. We'll spend time practicing it in class, so you can talk to me if you have any problems."

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