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Artwork by RandomPerson3457.

"We've had to have been here before... Haven't we?"
-Drake, The Haunting 3: Legend of Herobrine part 1

Drake's point of view-

I cursed those sirens under my forced heavy breath as I ran as fast as my long legs could carry me. My chest was in so much pain as my heart raced, pounding against my rib cage until my bones felt as if they were cracking, soon to give way and shatter. My lungs repeatedly clenched until I forced myself to inhale sharp gasps of air, the cool oxygen rising up into my brain and preventing my body from collapsing.
A thick fog of panic clouded my mind, bringing difficulties in forcing myself to stay grounded within reality. Over and over, I had to reassess the situation as terror consumed my mind, attempting to keep myself cool and collected as I searched for options to ensure our survival.
Our feet desperately kicked against the crunching snow beneath our shoes as we bolted, eyes locked onto the blonde up ahead of us two. We followed him like a light in a sea of pitch black darkness, trusting his every instinct. Our focus rested on every word that spewed from behind his pink lips muffled by his grey snow helmet.

"This way! Go! Go! Go!" Grayson called out, our sore legs attempting to catch up.

It was like I could sense him following us, that demon that lurked in the shadows, always vanishing out of the corner of my eyes. Those lifeless eyes...just the sole recollection of them was enough to bring a shiver down my spine and cause my rushing blood to chill like ice within my veins.
All three of us hurried up into what resembled an old watch tower covered in snow and ice as if it had remained untouched for years. As my fingers wrapped around that ladder, I would have let go from the unbearable cold if not for the fear and adrenaline giving me a moment of determination to reach the top into safety. We stood there and caught our breath, our eyes scanning over to lock upon the home of our new comrade. I could hear him whimper as the clock counted down, the three of us watching the facility in its final moments.
The alarm grew silent, allowing us only a second of near bliss before we could hear the blast and light consumed our vision until we were blinded. An ear piercing screech of metal grinding and hitting against metal and other objects as pieces fell to the snowy ground below. All went black, and all grew silent with the exception of the ringing echoing off of the drums in my ears.
Yet, there was a feeling of uneasiness within me. Something did not settle with me just right, something that I could not wrap my head around. I could not think of a precise reason for me to feel such a way. It was just...this all felt too familiar to me.
I had lost consciousness. When my eyes opened up, a chill ran down my spine. I knew that I had seen this recently, the familiar walls surrounding me, constructed of strange stone that almost mimicked the appearance of the moon. The ground was made of pure, thick obsidian that felt like smooth glass beneath my feet.

I know I've been here before... I thought as I walked down the narrow corridor, almost like a maze.

Something came into my view, a pillar with red stone. This feeling tugged at my chest, a dread lingering and expanding within my body. This did not feel right. A light gasp slipped past my lips, remembering this place from my dream. I knew what was going to happen next. My feet moved back as I anticipated his arrival, a fog of white light appearing before the pillar just as I had thought.
Those white eyes stared me down, his head tilting with a clinical grin spreading from cheek to cheek, a white mist seeping from between his pearly teeth. I waited for the deep voice to sweep into my ears, my heart racing and breathing rising.

The Haunted: Revelations (Sequel to Rebellion)Where stories live. Discover now