Chapter 7

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Art: UnlimitedCrazy
Song: Escape the Temple by Machinima Sound

"I've certainly had better days."
-Drake, The Haunted, episode 6: Sunken Treasure


Lalea's point of view-

I always found it odd whenever Drake was not able to help around at the school, I suppose it was because it was one of the few times we could spend together as a family when he was not at the palace worried about the war, or training his soldiers. While I did miss having him around, it did not push away the anger I was feeling towards him for using blood magic and...from what I could tell, torturing prisoners. A soft growl vibrated in the back of my throat. I love him, but he can be an idiot, and in this context, not in a cute way.

As Endy walked home with Landen and I, I discussed my concerns with her, I could tell that she was disturbed as much as I was, the two of us trying to hush our conversation when Landen grew curious of the topic.

  "What will you do about it?" She asked, almost whispered to Landen would not hear

I sighed and lowered my head. "I don't even know. I'm his wife, not his mother. Still...I suppose that if I can, I'll try to talk him and Grayson about Drake's...job, and I'll discuss the blood I found to Drake and his therapist.

She nodded and we grew quiet, in fact it was a bit too quiet for comfort. I ignored it at first, focusing on the stars beginning to reveal themselves in the dusk sky. As we continued forward the dread of the streets desolation increased. Landen slowed her pace to walk between us, looking between the two of us and the streets.

  "Where is everyone?" I could hear the worry in my daughter's voice. I took her hand, bringing up that perhaps Emmit was making an announcement. There was distant sound of what I assumed was shouting

Endy shook her head. "I think we would have known if that were the case, however, I wouldn't rule out the possibility of a riot...that shouting doesn't sound of goodwill."

I looked around, my eyes being attracted to the glow to the northern west, noticing darkened smoke lifting into the sky where the sound was coming from. Smoke, right where own home should be. My breath caught in my throat, forgetting to breath, a pain filling up my chest as my heart seemed to freeze up.


Landen tugged at my dress, her voice trembling. "Mommy? Is that at home?"

I held Landen against my chest, telling Endy to follow as I ran, struggling to keep Landen against me while also avoiding tripping on my dress. I could not answer as my child repeatedly asked what was wrong and if everything was okay. I had to focus on getting home. If I was correct with my assumption of what was going on, then I had to get home as soon as I possibly could.

As we turned the corner close to our home, my feet dug into the ground and stopped me in my place, once again having my breath taken away, vision blurred from forming tears, as I stared at the building I had spent the last eight years of my life in, where I raised my daughter, the entrance up in burning amber flames.

  "Endy! Lalea, Landen!" Our attention turned to Jane who ran up beside us, tears covering her rosy cheeks. "Please tell me that you guys are okay."

Endy answered. "We're fine. Where's you father?"

Her gaze followed into the crowd, and our eyes followed, it was soon evident where the spy was. Xavier was on the ground, guards trying to defuse the situation but held back from the fight as others push them and kept them at bay.

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