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Authors note: this is kinda more of a sad pasta but it has some horror to it...anyways enjoy <3

Brianna. I think that's her name, who's name you may ask? I don't know exactly. I think she used to love me, I remember her face, that's all. She had these amber eyes like sunshine, and beautiful brown hair. I'm starting to remember more now.... we're both teenagers... yeah. I'm her boyfriend I think or maybe her friend, but we talk a lot. She's often sad because of her weight I think, people say mean things. She's so beautiful I don't get why she's so worried. I wish I could remember oh my god.... why can't I remember her. I loved this woman, and now she's cut into pieces like I will be if I don't remember her name correctly. WHY CAN'T I REMEMBER HER NAME WHY GOD WHY LET ME LIVE WHYCAN'TIREMEMBERILOVETHISGIRLWHYCAN'TIWHYISSHEDEADNOWHYCAN'TIREMEMBER HER NAME

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