Chapter 1

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A'Miya POV

I'm A'Miya Moore and I'm about to start my freshman year of high school. I have two older brothers who are both in high school. Andre is 15 and a Sophomore and Adrien is 16 and a Junior. I'm 14.

We all live with our dad. Mom was the best. She was always here for us and would do anything for us but she passed away when I was 8.

Our dad is the principal of our high school.

I honestly got into a lot of trouble when I was down at the junior high. The junior high is right next door to the high school so when I would do something, they would just call my dad and he would come over there and handle it. My dad be whooping our ass. Like he don't even give a fuck if anybody see him. Especially like if u in trouble for like fighting or like picking on another person, he gon whoop yo ass in front of everybody. Hasn't happened to me yet. Like my dad has never whooped me in front of anybody. Like he yelled at me in front if people, popped me in my mouth, and like stuff like that but he ain't never like for real took his belt off and whooped me in front of people. Like my brothers maybe. But that was only once when we had all got in trouble for some stupid shit but yeah. I had problems with some teachers when I was in 8th grade. I cussed a couple teachers out and got in a lot of fights but I already know that that's about to change now that I'm in high school.

For one, my dad can just pop up in any of my classes at anytime. And if I do something, they can just send me straight to my dads office and my brothers have already told me that I do not want that to ever happen. Especially having dad come down to our classroom cause we in trouble. That's like even worse than having to go to his office. Dad is strict as hell. Like u can't get nothing less than a B on your progress report. U can't fight. If he don't know yo friends then u ain't gon be hanging out with them. Or if he know that they get in trouble a lot then he won't let u hang out with them. And like its just a lot of rules. But we do have some freedom. Its not like he's one of those controlling parents. He just want the best for us and even though it be annoying sometimes, I understand and try to stay outta trouble even though it don't usually work.

I'm sitting on my bed texting my friend Jared. Like my dad does not like me talking to guys and I can not date until I'm 18. Actually none of us can date till we 18. Dad made that very clear. That its no dating till we turn 18. If he knew I was texting Jared, he would probably take my phone for a couple months.

I was sitting here texting him when my dad called us downstairs.

I grabbed my phone and put it in my back pocket before running downstairs.

We all got to the living room and sat down on the couch while dad stood in front of us.

Andre-What's going on dad?

Dad-School start tomorrow and we all need to have a lil talk. Starting with u Adrien.

Adrien-What did I do?

Dad-Last year u let yo mouth get yo ass in a lot of trouble. And u let your grades drop. That's not going to happen no more. All of y'all are going to keep your grades at a B or above. And Adrien, I don't want to have them sending u to my office every other day cause u wanna act like u lost yo mind and cuss out a teacher.

Adrien-Yes sir.

Dad-Now Andre. U got in a lot of fights last school year. We not gon have all these fights this year. I'm telling y'all now that if its any fights involving any of y'all, imma beat yo ass right there. I don't care who see me. Y'all know that I don't condone fighting and its a zero tolerance policy for fighting at the school.

Us-Yes sir.

Dad-A'Miya, this yo first year of high school. U got in a lot of trouble down at the junior high. Now that u in high school, imma really be watching u cause u got a habit of cussing out teachers. I'm just letting u know that if u decided to cuss out any teachers, I'm beating yo ass in front of the class. Same goes for fighting. Cause u was always fighting at the junior high too. U gon need to calm all that shit down now that u in high school.

Me-Yes sir.

Dad-Ok. Andre, Adrien, gon upstairs. Be in the bed by 9:30.

Them-Yes sir.

They went upstairs and it was just me and my dad.

Dad-A'Miya, the high school is very different from the junior high. Yo lil attitude is not gon fly up there. Neither is skipping class. Let me find out u skipped a class. U won't be sitting on yo ass for a couple weeks. And don't think that just cause u didn't get caught that same day that u ain't gon get in trouble at all. Understand?

Me-Yes sir

Dad-Ok. Go get ready for bed. Be in the bed by 9:30.

I went upstairs and got ready for bed. I was in the bed by 9:30 and sleep by like 10:00.

Tomorrows the beginning of freshman year.
Chapter 2 coming soon.

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