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            Noah woke up before Harry. It was only two in the afternoon and she had remembered falling to sleep around twelve, and this two hour nap refreshed her. They were still in the living room, the thin blanket was feathered halfway down Harry's back and his full head of curls were covering his cheek but Noah still heard the snores coming out from his mouth. Noah really didn't like people snoring, the thought of it reminded her of abandonment, she knew why, but she didn't want to surface those memories, so she took her leg off of Harry's (his arm was twisted so he could hold her leg there) and let her fingertips drag up and down his spine for a while before she kissed his cheek. She'd moved over trying to hover over Harry but she couldn't hold herself up that way so she put the tiniest pressure on him and dug her face into his shoulder blades hoping it'll awaken him, but Harry was a deep sleeper.

            Noah had given up on trying to wake Harry up, so instead she sat on the couch and tried to finish Eleanor and Park before Harry woke up. She wanted to know what was this little inside joke thing Harry had with the book and wanted to have with Noah. Chapter nineteen is when Noah shoved her face into the book and breathed heavily; Park had told Eleanor he loves her and Noah could pretty much cry from cuteness, her chest was tight and she was trying not to freak out so much because she wasn't in her room, she was in her boyfriend's place. Noah tried to control herself but for the next couple of pages she was freaking out, or fangirling as she usually calls it. She could not help the smiling and soft giggles, and even through that, Harry still hadn't woken. She wanted to throw the book  in his face when she read one line, "But Park's face was like art. And not weird, ugly art either. Park had the sort of face you painted because you didn't want history to forget it." and Noah thought , if that didn't described Harry, nothing else will.

            When she had finally gotten to chapter twenty-two she realized what Harry was talking about when he said he didn't like her. Last minute, Park told Eleanor he loves her about two chapters ago, and in this chapter, they were sitting on Park's bed and Eleanor says, "Because it doesn't matter to me, Park. If you like me. I swear to God, nothing else matters." Noah took a small break to breathe before continuing to read


            "He leaned back into his headboard and pulled her hand to his chest,                                               "Eleanor, how many times do I have to tell you," he said, through his teeth,                                     "that I don't like you..." 

            Noah finished off the chapter and then closed the book. She stared down at Harry and wondered if she read the right part he wanted her to read. She wondered a whole bunch of stuff, like if he was serious. Noah looked at Harry and saw he was stretching and yawning really loudly while he woke up. He looked up at Noah with tired eyes and a sleepy smile, and for a moment Noah had forgotten what she was thinking about, but when she moved her hand over the pages of the book, she remembered everything.

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