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Real Life Starts Here

Yisoo's POV ~

I felt something heavy on my chest preventing me from breathing. My eyes slowly open for me to see the shoulder of a man. I reached up to push him off me but only for me to realize that he was passed out. What the hell happen? Last thing I remember I was in my college bathroom. The power went out and we weren't supposed to leave the classroom but I had to pee so bad because my friend Eunah brought me something to drink that morning.

How did I end up with a man on top of me completely passed out? I tried very hard to get the man off me but it seemed impossible because he weighted so much. Instead I started to look around my surroundings.

In a flash my heart stopped as I saw a unfamiliar room. But what really made my heart stop beating was the fact that there was a dead girl laying beside me. She wore a high school uniform with her shirt and skirt ripped. In her chest was a very sharp knife making me wonder if that's how she died. On her arms were dried up blood and on her face was more blood. I couldn't help myself to look into her eyes. Her lifeless eyes seemed to be only staring back at me.

I found strength somehow and jumped up knocking the man off me. My eyes were watering as I looked down at the girl. She's dead. She's dead!

"HELP!" I screamed looking around. I saw a door on the side of the room and started running towards it when I noticed a large chain wrapped around it. My whole body was shaking until I heard a noise behind me. I quickly turned around for me to see the man sit up. The first thing I saw was this man had a bloody lip. I was to scared to ask if he was okay because he could have been the one who killed that girl.

"Ugh what happen. Wait! Where am I?" The man jumped up looking around. He looked just as confused as me making me wonder is he's just like me. Was he brought here as well. Are we just the same.

"Who are you?" I asked in a shaky but strong voice.

"Jin. Who are you?" He asked staring at me. Looking in his eyes I knew he hadn't seen the girl behind him yet. Should I tell him yet? Yeah he should know.

"Yisoo. But who is she?" I asked pointing to the dead girl behind him. He slowly turned around only for him to scream and jump back.

"HOLY FUCK SHE'S DEAD!" He screamed looking back at me. I started looking around the room for a way out when all of a sudden a voice came over a intercom.

"Well hello Jin and hello Yisoo. Welcome to the real world!" A deep voice shouted. I could hear nothing but darkness in his voice which sent my heart into a deep panic. Have we been kidnapped by a serial killer? Is this my last day on earth? Is this how I meet my end? What about my life? Is this the end? What about her?

"Who the hell are you?" Jin growled looking around from where the voice was coming from. Even though my heart was panicking dramatically my brain was telling me to find a way out.

"My real name you won't find out until the end. But you will call me Master until then." His voice seemed to be coming from everywhere in the house making me wonder how big this house is actually.

"You have to beat this game before the week is up. If not you will die by my hands. There is only one thing you must do to beat this game. And that is to make it to the fifth floor. Right now you are on the first floor. And if you think it's just you two then you are sadly mistaken. There are others on the first floor you must find. Once you find the others you will move on to the second floor. But your first task Jin and Yisoo is to find the key to her heart therefor you can get out of the room. You have twenty minutes to find the way out before one of you dies. Good luck." The man's voice disappeared only leaving me wounding what the hell did he mean.

"What the hell? I'm leaving!" I watched as a angry Jin started charging at the door. His actions were a little to harsh for me. I thought back at what that man said.

The key to her heart therefor you can get out the room. I thought about it for a second until my heart dropped to my stomach. I found my eyes traveling to the girl's dead body with the knife inside. No! There is no way he meant that! Yeah Yisoo.

"FUCK!" My eyes quickly flashed to Jin who was holding his now bloody arm. My eyes then looked over at the door. Both of us must have not seen that on the door was bar wire under the chains. What kind of messed up shit is this? Why are we playing this sick game?

"How about get yourself out of your thoughts and come help me. There has to be a way out of this room. I can't be in here! There is someone out there who needs me! I can't be in here!" Jin started screaming making me wonder who was so special to him. I guess I can relate because I have someone as well I have to be there for. I have to be there for her.

"Then listen up. We both have someone we need to protect. Therefor we need to use our brains not our strength." I snapped walking closer to Jin. Something in his eyes was telling me he needed to get out. Just like me...I have to get out of this game as well.

"Then what do you have plain? Huh?" Jin growled staring down at me.

"He said find the key through-" I was cut off as the man came back over the speaker.

"Three mintues!" He shouted making my heart race even more. There is no way I can sit here and explain it. I just have to try it. My body slowly started walking towards the girl's dead body making me wonder if I was insane or not. Looking down at her body was starting to make me cry. She's someone's daughter. Someone's friend. Someone's neighbor. Can I really do this?

"Yisoo." I heard Jin speak but I ignored him as my shaky hands traveled to the knife stuck in the her chest. My heart was screaming no but my brain was telling me it had to be the only way. I slowly started pulling the knife out when I noticed something. On the girl's stomach she had a large and long scar. I was right. Sadly I was right.

"Two minutes!"

"Yisoo! What are you doing-"

I found the strength within me as I started cutting the girl's chest open. I could hear Jin's scream behind me but it didn't bother me. I have someone I have to get back to. Someone who could get really hurt if I don't help them. Someone I need to protect.

"The key!" I watched as Jin jumped down reaching inside the girl's chest to grab the key. The key that was right beside her heart. I can't believe I cut someone's chest open. I can't believe I did that.

"One minute!" Jin started running back towards the door and in a flash I heard the chains fall off the door. I was to busy staring at the girl to pay attention to Jin but I could hear him yelling at me. Instead of standing up I just looked down at my hands. Both of my hands were filled with blood. I started to panic as I started rubbing the blood off my hands onto my jacket sleeve.

This isn't happening again! My hands are stained with blood again!

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