3. Happiness

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I stashed the letter deep inside my bag as I parked the car in the garage. All the lights were out except the living room, which was dimly lit by the television and a singular lamp. Adam was sitting on the couch, watching a game, by himself. I tiredly walked over, placed my bag on the ground and went in his direction. He moved towards the middle of the couch giving me my favorite spot, the corner, and placed his arm around me and we both watched whatever was on.

"Everything okay?" He asked casually.

"Yeah, just a lot of traffic and work." I replied as I snuggled next to him, laying my head in his chest.

"Have you eaten?" He asked, this he looked away from the TV and looked at me. His sweet topaz eyes sparkled in dim light, and my heart smiled at the reminder that I am lucky to have him.

"No, I haven't." I responded.

"I'll heat some food up for you. Go change and comeback." He suggested as he began move.

"Where are my parents?" I said as I sensed how quiet the house was.

Adam chuckled, "Asleep."

My room was just down the hall at the end and has been since I was born. I was the miracle child in my family since I was conceived a year after mother was told she couldn't have children of her own. When she fell pregnant, she was over the moon, followed a strict 'pregnancy diet', and convinced my father to give me the biggest room aside from theirs. The  light pink nursery was transformed completely except for two things; the floral mural and the chandelier. Those two things were my favorite parts of my room, a room that was always clean but not by my hand.

I hid the letter inside a journal and quickly threw on a Rice University sweatshirt that belonged to my mother, and some lululemon shorts that were also once my mother's but I doubt she misses them. After all, she can afford more- I can't and I'll take what I find.

Afterwards, I went to the kitchen and sat on the countertop as Adam heated up food for me.

He talked about his day, which was the usual. Football practice, college prep, AP test studying, working at the Museum of Art, a job which he got because he was extremely lucky and not because he is a patron of the arts.

I, in turn, couldn't tell him about everything that happened today, so I told him the lie I made up on the way home. To me it wasn't convincing, but Adam believed it.

"What time are you going home?" I asked him as he handed me a bowl of left over chicken casserole.

"Well now that you're here, I can go home peacefully. I was wondering if you were busy tomorrow night, there is an opening at the DMA that I think you'll like." He offered.

Surprised, I said, "Look at you, student athlete becomes patron of the arts. About time. What is the exhibition of?"

"It is so cool. It is half Nordic history and Ancient Rome."

"You know I love historical artifacts. What time are you picking me up?"

"Six sharp. I want us to grab a bite before it opens. Will I see you at church tomorrow?" He asked as he grabbed his keys.

"How are we going to go to school, go eat, go to the museum and go to church all in one day?"

"I guess you are right, as always." Adam said as he kissed me sweetly before grabbing his keys.

"See you tomorrow." I said as a goodbye as I walked him out the door.


School today was exactly the same. The only class I looked forward to was my art history class, in which we are finally getting to the classics. Adam has this class with me because this class counts as an arts elective- which he needed to graduate. He, to my surprise, was doing just fine. He is really good with dates and is quick to memorize things and that has been enough to get him to pass.

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