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Jimin lost himself, or at least he thought he did. He no longer thought of Taehyung with sexual desire, which was a good thing, to some extent that is. Taehyung's golden self was replaced by the pale tattoo artist. The one who unfortunately saw his bare bottom in all its glory as a result of his drunken antics.

Lust and lost was replaced by curiosity and sweet, delicate teenage crushing. How nice.

Jimin was glad that he got over the hurtful devil. Unintentionally third wheeling whenever he was with the new couple was no longer awkward for the reason of "I used to fuck your new boyfriend and I'm in love with him", but rather to "I should leave and give you two some space". Too bad Taehyung was always the oblivious kind. He never took notice of Jimin's feelings before, let alone, notice the awkward state now.

Now that he's left that stage of his life, Jimin wants to move on further. Change something drastic in his life, or at least something subtle. He's thought of dying his hair, but his dance T.A. gave the syllabus at the beginning of the year that specifically said not to for professional-looking performances, so he crossed that off the list. He's thought of getting a piercing, but it wouldn't heal before the university showcase in a few weeks, so that didn't make the cut either. Putting a bandage over it would be risky as it could fall off and cause a distraction.

Now a small, secretive tattoo on the other hand seemed appealing. The thought crossed his mind as it wasn't prohibited since it could be concealed by heavy makeup, if it also healed in time. Jimin knew that they were painful, his fake ass tattoo still a faint reminder that they did indeed hurt "like a bitch", just as he had told his good friend Seokjin, a senior at his university.

And going to the tattoo parlor would provide an excuse to see Yoongi and to pay him back for what he's done to and for him.

After convincing himself to get a tattoo and see Yoongi, Jimin smiled like a lovestruck fool.

"Jimin!" Seokjin called out, pulling the younger back to earth from his trip to the clouds, "What's got you smiling like that?"

Jimin giggled. "I just got an idea." He smiled deviously and Seokjin was concerned to say the least.


He walked across town, trying to figure out where that tattoo parlor was. He cursed himself for having a terrible memory when being drunk, yet applauded himself for somehow being able to find such a place in his drunken state on such short notice.

Jimin checked his phone to see all tattoo parlors nearby the bar the visited, and thankfully there were only a couple of parlors. His trip wouldn't be that bad. 

Or that was what he thought at least.

He began to grow weary after walking to two different parlors with no luck whatsoever at finding Yoongi. The walks didn't seem too long at first, but time flew by quicker than he had expected and all the buses had arrived late. He was going to visit one last parlor before calling it a day on his expedition. Jimin would be devastated if Yoongi wasn't there as he wouldn't have the time later on to go get his tattoo. 

Luck be a lady, Jimin saw Yoongi leaning casually on the parlor's counter, having a conversation with another tall man, equally as tattooed as the latter. 

He timidly walked into the shop and instantly felt Yoongi's eyes on him. They somewhat glistened with surprise and curiosity.

"I'll take it from here," Yoongi said, waving off the taller male as left the vicinity, muttering polite greetings.

"H-hi," Jimin managed to vocalize.

"What brings you here?" the older asked.

"I just wanted to thank you again for taking care of me when I was drunk, and at least pay you back for my fake ass tattoo." Jimin chuckled softly.

Yoongi grinned in response. "Don't sweat it kid, and about your ass tattoo?" he pondered for a bit, biting his lips ever so gently as he was thinking causing Jimin to freak out mentally as he wanted to taste those lips with his own. "It'll be on the house. I just hope you just learned a thing or two about walking around drunk. The world ain't that great." He finally said.

"How much would you charge me for an actual, permanent, tattoo then?" Jimin asked, feeling a little bold.

Yoongi raised a brow in response. "Are you sure?"

Jimin flipped through some design books, idly looking at some designs, uninterested in them as he had his own. "Yeah."

"It'll depend on what you want."

"Well I had my own design actually," Jimin pulled out a folded piece of paper from his pocket, "My mother always liked these flowers, so I wanted to remember and honor her by." He unfolded the paper to reveal a pretty drawing of a cherry blossom branch. 

Yoongi took the paper in his hands and examined the drawing. He let out a low whistle in approval. "Did you draw this?"

Jimin nodded.

"Well, you're really good. I might need to hire you as a designer," he joked, but the praise sent Jimin to the clouds.

"Thank you, but I'm not exactly sure where to have it. Could you maybe help me with that? I just need it somewhere kind of hidden," Jimin consulted.

Yoongi eyed the drawing again and then eyed Jimin, from head to toe, resulting in red dusting his cheeks. 

"Come with me," he said and Jimin followed.

They soon stood in front of a chair with some materials, which Jimin assumed was for making tattoos. 

"Just give me a few minutes to copy the drawing and get the ink. You want it colored right?"

And Jimin nodded again and waited. After what seemed to be handful of minutes Yoongi had his stencil done as well as the ink.

"Ok, so I need you to take off your shirt."


Procrastination of homework at its finest.

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