(I have a little note for you guys:



That's all ^_^)

The day when I called your name....

and the day when I know love....

"Ah! Sans! Over here!" A brown haired girl waved across the road. It's snowing, so it may be a little bit difficult to find the certain skeleton. But having a eagle sight, it's hard to get away from her.

The skeleton, which is named Sans, turned at her direction and form a grin to his face.

"Hey, Frisk" he came over where she's standing.

Everyone is wearing their winter clothes, and since Christmas is coming, everyone is out with their families and love ones.

"Let's go?"

"Let's go!"

"Aww...it's the last line." Just as when they reach their destination, the worker announce the last few people who can go in. She set a frown to her face, since this is her favorite place. He noticed her frowning face and laughts.

"Hahaha, don't worry. We can always go for a take out, since we'll be out for a while." She just chuckled at his nonsense puns. (I'm bad at puns)

They bought the last mini cake for the both of them. The last couple had taken the last two red velvet mini cake, the freaking red velvet. They had no choice but to stick with a normal mini cake. Hey, atleast it had a hint of a taste of cheesecake right? (Tbh I was hungry when I typed dis :P)

They found a place to eat and admire the beauty. They sit at a bench with trees surrounding them. Not much a romantic place to eat, but still.

"Ahh... I remember when we this a long time ago..." sans turn to her confused, he take a bite of the cake since they're sharing.

And then he remembered.

"Hmm..." he looked away, flustered. He definitely remembers. Which made her to tease him more.

"Saaaaansyy... are you sad? You are sooooo blue hihihi" she says trying not to let out her giggles. He gave up.

"GAHHH STOP THATTT" she let out her laughter while he keep looking away.

"Hahaha.. sans, I'm happy that you're wearing that." She said, hiding her blushes in her scarf.

Sans is wearing the scarf that frisk had given to him, it was a dark blue checkered scarf with a cutouts on the end. Frisk is also wearing the scarf he'd given, it was a white knitted scarf.

"Heh, you're still welcome." He said staring at the scene infront of him.

He remembered the time he confessed to her, and dang, it's still making him cringe. He remember when he keep looking at her, like she's a heroine that will make every guy fall for her.

And even though I'm not your boyfriend that time...I'm still jealous

"....is that true?" He flushed at what she said. Did he blurred it out again?

"Ah, yea...that time where you still haven't answered me..." he knew he shouldn't be saying that, it makes this awkward tension grow.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2018 ⏰

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