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[AN: This chapter is the "date", I've realized I forgot to mention Louis' age and stuff, you'll figure all that out here.]

I quickly return with the coffee and a bunch of creams and sugars, because I have no idea what he likes in his coffee. I don't even know his age.

I don't even know his age.

I sit down on the chair across the table from him, practically dropping all the stuff I was carrying. "So Lou, how old are you?"

"U-uh I'm sixte-teen," he blushes furiously. He needs to stop blushing, it's so innocent and hot. "how old are you, u-um."

"Harry, call me Harry babe. And I'm nineteen," He's so innocent for a sixteen year old wow. "So, where do you go to school?"

"I'm uh actually homeschooled," gosh that makes so much sense now. "my mom thought it would be easier so we could all be together all day. 7 kids isn't that easy to take care of,"

"I see," Louis was slowly becoming more comfortable with me and I liked that. I liked that a lot.

The next two hours were spent with mindless chatter about nothing important and us swapping numbers. And then Louis phone rings.

"Mum s-says I sh-should be home n-now," he's nervous yet again

"Okay, I should be heading home too. Do you want a ride?"

"Uh yeah, that would be nice," he says. Blushing again. I swear, if he keeps doing that my thoughts are going to start getting dirtier.

We get into my car, and the only sound that fills the air is the radio playing, when suddenly Louis looks at me and says "thank you for this afternoon, as much as I love my family. It was nice to get away from them for a while," he smiles genuinely "left turn up here."

We pull into his driveway and I tell him to say hi to Jay for me and then save him off as I pull out of the driveway.


Later that night I find myself at yet another party. I'm sitting on a couch with Niall, and our other friend Zayn. We're all just sitting and drinking with the obnoxiously loud music when a rather attractive guy walks up and asks me to dance. Me being me I say yes, because he looks like a fun hook up.

We head towards the dance floor, my bum is his crotch as we start to find the rhythm of the music. He whispers in my ear "What's your name love?"

"Harry, what's yours?" god, he's really hot.

"Call me Michael," that makes him hotter. I can feel myself getting more turned on by the minute.

"Okay," I say breathlessly as he nips at my neck.

"My place or yours babe?"

"Yours. Yeah, yours," I needed this after the things Louis did to me today without even trying.


I couldn't help but feel a tad guilty. I mean, we haven't even had a real date yet, and plus it wouldn't even technically be legal if we dated. But gosh, that boy was incomprehensibly beautiful. Michael is still nipping at my neck, but I'm not sure I can go through with this. Not after meeting Louis.

I push Michael off of me "I'm so sorry. I don't think I can do this,"

"What the fuck. You got a boyfriend already or something?" I don't even know the answer to this one.

"Um uh," I start to stutter, because I have no idea what to say. I should say no. But I don't want to.

"What the fuck ever. I'll go find someone else." And with that. Michael walked away and I was let standing there. Confused and dazed about my feelings towards the boy I've only just met.

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