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Harry's surprisingly soft lips are molded with mine, and I start to melt into the kiss. Harry's mouth is warm and soft and I want to stay in this moment forever. His lips on mine for the first time.

But before the kiss goes basically anywhere, Harry pulls away with a deep red blush on his face.

"Sorry about that, you just looked so cute and I let my emotions get to me and," he starts to rush his words, trying to find the right ones.

"It's o-okay. I um, I liked it. A lot," my blush is deeper than his at this point. "was my first." I'm talking much quieter at this point.

"Was your first kiss!?"

"Um, yeah." I say feeling a bit insecure.

"Are you sure, because you're an amazing kisser,"

"Well I'm pretty sure girls on the playground in primary school don't count,"

"Louis Tomlinson. You kiss girls. you've just kissed me. This is quite a predicaments, because I thought we both liked eachother,"

"We do. I mean, at least I like you. And even when I kissed those girls back then I never felt the way I felt just now,"

"It was as if something erupted inside of you yeah?" exactly that.

"Yeah, yeah I think so," of course it did. Just like that.

"Well Lou, I felt the same way. Why don't we say I take you on a proper date?" A date. A proper date with a boy. I've never done this before, but I don't know if my mom will let me.

"Uh yeah I think I might um like that, but I have to ask my mom," I can't control my blush around Harry at all.

"Don't ask your mom Louis, let's go now. Be adventurous." He says linking my arm with his and exiting the restaurant.

"Okay," I think to myself as I get into Harry's car and buckle in. Ready to go wherever he takes me.


Hey guys, so long time no see. I'm so sorry I've been busy with summer school and friends and I've had some writers block. That's why this chapter is kind of shit.

Also my laptop is malfunctioning at the moment. So I typed this on my phone. Sorry for any mistakes.

So I've decided to make this into a short story, probably anywhere between 12-15 chapters. With an epilogue. Then I'll start writing a full on larry fic.

Enjoy your day I guess and don't forget to



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