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Editing Credits: RedLine0311


I woke up on time and did my morning routine. Although everything seemed normal, I had a bad feeling. It was as if something devastating was going to happen. I’d noticed a car following us all day but I’d decided to ignore it.

“I must be imagining things now.” I thought.

When we reached home from university, I was stunned to find the rude man and the sweet aunt from last night. Di and I greeted the guests and went to our respective rooms. Soon, a servant walked into my room.

“Abeera, would you like to have something?” She asked me. I liked the help calling me by my name.

“No thank you. Do you know why they’re here?” I asked, inquiring about the guests.

“They must be here for a marriage proposal or something.” She said and left. Although I am really excited for Di’s wedding, I don’t want her to get married to HIM. Now way! I don’t want a brother-in-law like him.

Sometime after, the guests left but they did so leaving Dad and Mom looking stressed. Di and I decided not to question them and so, we left for our room.

The next day, breakfast was stressful as well. When we reached university, I dragged Di to the canteen.

“Where are you taking me?” Di asked me as I hurried.

“Just wait.” I replied. I took her to my fried Amna. Amna is one person who knows about everyone in the town and after seeing Mr. Rude, it was quite clear that he must be a big figure and that there was no chance that she wouldn’t know about him.

“Hey Amna!” I said while sitting beside and yanking Di next to me.

“Hello. Finally you got time to come meet me.” She retorted sarcastically.

“I wanted to ask you about a guy.” I said.

“WOW! What a day. Abeera Khan is asking a guy!” She said teasingly.

“Shut up and listen. Do you know about Wahaaj Ali Khan?” I quizzed and watched as her face drained of colour.

“W-why are you asking me? Talk carefully and make sure no one is around you when you say his name!” She whispered frantically. I’ve never seen her this frightened.

“Why are you looking so scared?” Di voiced out my thoughts.

“Are you kidding me?!! Who in their right mind won’t be afraid of that person? He just moved to Pakistan last year but, he’s ruled here for a long time. He is known for his ruthlessness and not even the police can cross his path. He is THE mafia boss and is famously known as THE KING” Amna said and I just look at her, stupefied.

Now that I think about it, I have heard about the king and I’d just thought that it was a name used to scare people. Little did I know, he was real and was sitting in my home yesterday. Di and I silently left for our classes and just as we sat in our assigned seats, did I decide to speak.

“Di, whatever happens, you won’t be marrying that guy. He is the guy I was telling you about yesterday.” I ordered and she agreed with me.

We arrived home to see my parents waiting on us in the living room.

“I want to talk to the both of you.” Dad tackled.

Both of us sat down on the sofa.

“The lady yesterday came along with a marriage proposal.” Mom announced.

“You must’ve said no, right?” I inquired hesitantly.

“Do you even know who he is? He is a mafia boss. If we deny, our business along with our lives will be destroyed.” Dad uttered.

“Dad, is there no other option?” Di asked desperately and I began feeling bad for her and she’d have to live with a man like that.

“No. There isn’t any other option. He has the power to destroy us within seconds.” Dad repeated sadly. Deflated, Di and I stood to go back up to our rooms.

“One more thing.” Dad grabbed our attention and we stopped.

“He doesn’t want Saira. He wants Abeera” Dad blurted and I just look at him, confounded.

Mom quickly walked towards me to soothe me but it was too late, I was already hyperventilating.

“Dad- I can’t marry him. I don’t want to marry that cruel man. I don’t want… to get married at this age.” I managed to get out through my tears and sobs.

Mom and Di were desperately trying to calm me down, but in vain.

“I won’t be forcing you, sweetheart. This decision is to be made by you.” Dad said and hurriedly left after kissing my forehead.

“I would like some time alone.” I declared and rushed to my room.

I knew Dad would never force me to marry him, but his business will be ruined for me. And so, I can’t be selfish enough to let that happen. I offered my nightly prayers and asked Allah for help.

I cried and sobbed in front of my Lord which brought me a little peace. Soon, I decided to head to bed.

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