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Editing Credits: RedLine0311


I knew how I was going to teach her a lesson. After I’d come back from the wedding, I called Ayyan.

“Hello Ayyan. I want all the information about Faheem Akhtar (Abeera’s father) and his family in an hour.” I ordered into the phone.

“Man! Can’t you wait till tomorrow?” He whined.

“Ayyan…” I trailed off, making it evident that there was no room for discussion.

“Ok fine, consider it done.” He replied and ended the call.

A hour later, I was freshly showered and relaxed when I got all the information I needed. A while later, I decided to sleep.

Morning came by, I woke up and got ready to head down for breakfast.

“Mom, You were speaking about marriage…” I trailed off, hoping she would get the idea.

“Are you ready for marriage? I am so glad. You do know I get terribly lonely with you busy with work.” Mom gasped.

“Yes Mom, I am ready. Although, the girl will be of my choice.” I stated.

“Oh ok. Who is she then?” My mother inquired.

“Mr. Faheem’s daughter.” I said.

“Oh. You like Saira? You have chosen a nice girl indeed. I like both his daughters quite a lot.” Mom happily said.

“Abeera” I said in a way of informing.

“Oh yes! Even she is a cutie.” She gushed.

“Mom, I am talking about marrying Abeera, not the elder one.” I finally said.

Mom looked appalled. “Have you lost it? She is very young? What is wrong with Saira?”

“There’s nothing wrong with her, but I want Abeera.” I declared.

“Wahaaj… You don’t get it. There is no way her family will agree to this.” Mom tried to help me understand.

“Yes I do but-” She began, but I interrupted whatever she was about to say.

“Mom, don’t worry about the other things. Just be ready to go to their house this evening.” I announced and left, kissing her cheek.

I ordered one of my men to follow around Abeera all day. I wanted to know all activities she does everyday.

Evening arrived, Mom and I were off to their house. Abeera’s mother welcomed us in and her father soon joined us. He was polite enough but the lingering fear remained. It made me smirk that he knew who I was quite well.

Sometime later, Abeera and her sister entered, they excused themselves after they’d greeted my mother. I couldn’t help but stare at Abeera the whole time whereas, she didn’t bother glancing at me. I’ve got to admit, it hurt my ego.

I finally decided to cut the crap and go straight to the point.

“Uncle, I’ve decided that I want to marry your daughter.”

“Wahaaj dear, we don’t want to marry off our daughters right now. I’m sorry.” Uncle stated and I knew that it was just an excuse to deny me without any danger.

“I would like to talk to you privately,” I stated and he took me to his office. “Do you care about your business?” I asked him.

“What kind of question is that? Of course I do.” He said.

“Then you better agree. I wouldn’t want to ruin your business and then take your daughter as well. You very well know that it wouldn’t take me long to do that.” I spoke dangerously. He was deep in thought as we walked back to the living room.

“I want to marry Abeera as soon as possible.” I announced. Her parents looked appalled, much like my mother was when I told her.

“ABEERA? No,I’m sorry. You cannot marry Abeera. She is only 19 and she won’t be able to handle you.” Her father said indignantly.

“She gets scared easily and she is also nyctophobic (fear of darkness). We can’t have her marry now.” Her mother said.

“You won’t be needing to worry about her.” I said and turned towards her father. “You have two days time to make a decision.” I declared and we left.


I don’t know what to do. I know how dangerous he is and how he can destroy us within minutes. Abeera is my heart, I can't imagine anyone hurting her. I know if I refuse, her life will be ruined and I don’t want that. I informed my wife not to discuss this with the girls as I wanted so see if I could get any help. Although I called many large personalities, they told me that they were no help against Wahaaj.

My decision was to tell Abeera everything. When I did, I could see her refusal through her tears. The sight absolutely broke my heart, but I was helpless.

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