Chapter 52 - Happy Birthday!

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**Stacy's POV**

This morning I woke up with a nausea, quickly taking Andy's arm out off my waist, -making him jump-, I ran to the bathroom, letting out everything I had. I felt my hair being held, and a hand rubbing my back.

"Let it all out" Andy said, still rubbing my back, once I was done with puking my guts out, I sighed and lean against the wall. Andy rubbed circles in the palm of my hand.

"Sickness?" He chuckle, I groan not really wanting to be sick in his birthday... Oh yeah... He's birthday. I smiled at myself, once I got this evil plan.

"Most of been something I ate yesterday or the day before" I said shrugging my shoulders, he chuckle and soon he light up like the Christmas tree we have in the living room.

"What day is it today?" He asked with a huge grin on his face. I instantly feel bad for doing what I'm about to do, but I just want to have some fun. I'm being evil right now. ._.

"26?" He nods. I shrug my shoulders once again. He's face drops, then he frowns at my answer.

"Yeah it's the 26. What day is it?" I sighed pretending to be thinking hard on this guessing game he's playing.

"Thursday" he drops his hands off my shoulder, glaring at me. Okay now I know that I'm probably pissing him off, you can tell with the fumes that are particuly coming out of his ears, his frown and his arms cross over his chest. Looking at me dead in the eye.

"You don't know what's special about this day?" I just want to say yes and hug, kiss the living shit out of him. Not really wanting to keep on seeing his sadden face, I turn around. I was about to answer when he sighed and left the bathroom, hearing his footsteps going down the stairs to the living room and what I'm guessing is the kitchen.

Once again I sighed before standing up and brushing my teeth, getting rid of the nasty taste I got in my mouth. When I was down I went downstairs, looking around the living room I didn't saw him so he is probably in the kitchen, feeling my belly start growling I put a hand on it. Trying to make it stop but of course it won't and I'll soon make me go back to the bathroom. What time is it even?

I look at my phone for the time which was only 10:04. I groan hating to be waking up to early.

Going inside the kitchen I saw Andy sitting on a chair with his elbows on the table and his head on his hands. I walk over to him and saw that there was food already there. It makes me sick right now.

"Babe" I said wrapping my arms around his waist, he sighed and took my hands in his. Turning around his press his forehead in mines.

"What?" He whisper.

"I'm sorry, I was only messing with you, I know it's your birthday, I just wanted to have fun. But-" I suddenly stop feeling that now-familiar-shit-that-goes-through-your-throat. Running up stairs, up to the bathroom. Once again I threw up, Andy following behind pulling my hair out of the way.

"Stacy you threw up two times now"

"It's normal" I said, again the warm thing going through my throat. I threw up, again. He sighed.

"I'm taking you to the doctors" I shook my head.

"Stacy something is defiantly wrong with you" I finally gave in, knowing he will not stop insisting until someone has check me up and I'll be good. I stood up but only to have my vision be a blur. I stumble Andy catching me.

**Andy's POV**

"Get change we're leaving now" I said my voice becoming more serious than I thought. Stacy nodded and took two steps, then everything went slow motions.

My eyes widen when Stacy fell on my arms.

This is not how I want my birthday to be like.

Quickly walking out of the house with Stacy in my arms, I buckle her checking of everything's well done.

* * * *

"HELP! PLEASE!" I yelled, nurses and a doctor came taking Stacy.

"What happened?" One of the nurses said to me.

"S-she just, faint..." Was the only thing that came out of my mouth. She nodded understanding what I said.

"You can wait in the waiting room the doctor will check her and he'll come to you, what's your name?"

"Andrew Biersack" she nodded and I waited for what felt like a whole month. Or worse.

"Mr. Biersack?" I quickly jump out of my seat, literally running into him, making him go wide eye.

"That's me. How is she? Is alright? Is something wrong?" He nodded and went through some papers on his clip. I groan quietly, can you hurry the fuck up. I thought.

"Well everything seems right-" I sighed in relief. "But we did found something" I waited for the doctor to keep on going.

"Well?" I asked impatient.

"She's pregnant"

My eyes widen at the shock news, hell this is fucking news. She's fucking pregnant. Okay yes I wanted kids but after we get married. She's only 20 about to be 21. Hell I'm 22 now. Snapping out of my thoughts I went back to the doctor.

"How long was she pregnant?"

"One month, she's about to be two months"

"Can I see her?" He nodded and made me follow him to Stacy's room. "Does she knows she's pregnant?"

"No, we haven't told her" I nodded and went inside her room, she was laying there looking at the ceiling, once she notice me she open her arms, me quickly falling into them. "I'll leave" we nodded, soon he left us alone.

"God baby, you scared me" she smiled at me.

"Sorry, what happen though?" I rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

"Uh- well- you know- uh" I really couldn't go this. She doesn't even know she's pregnant what if she flips and says she doesn't want it? Maybe I should talk to we about kids before I tell her.

"Annddddddyyyyy" she whines dragging almost all the words of my name long.

"Okay. Well- I don't know. Listen. Have you think of having kids?" She looks at me with a weird face. Great she probably thinks I'm fucking desperate to have sex and have a kid with her.

"Uh- I- probably?" It sounded more like a question. Okay yeah sure if I was in her shoes now, hell I'll be confused if my husband talks about this. It feels weird talking about this. Considering I am a guy.

"Will you want it?" You could hear the hope in my voice.

"Of course, its a little human growing inside me, part of my flesh and blood" I smiled at her response.

"Why are you even talking to me about this?" I looked at her for a moment not to soon her eyes widen.

"I-I'm p-p-pre-pregnant?" I nodded slowly. She stood frozen for a little while. "Uh- Happy Birthday?" I chuckle and gave her a huge hug.

"Best fucking present ever!" She giggled and kissed me gently. I swear anyone could just melt by touching her lips.

"God I love you Stacy, your giving me something wonderful in my life" she smiled and look down at her stomach.

"How long?"

"Almost two months"

"I didn't notice" I smile and put my hand on her belly gently stroking it.

"I love you and little Andy or Stacy" she giggle again.

"I love you more"


How was it? I was lazy to write a whole fucking page about Andy's birthday and all present and shit.

Read Saviour :)


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