Chapter 2

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The outfit above is Maya's
Ethan and you are walking along the coastline. Tatum and Grayson are out surfing. You guys are just talking "So are you up for doing anything tomorrow?" I ask Ethan flinching because I hope I don't sound desperate.

"Yea! You and Tatum can come to the warehouse!" He says. "What warehouse?" I ask because I don't want to be taken by a guy I have known for one day into a random warehouse.

He laughs and says "Gray and I have a YouTube channel! We post videos every Tuesday. You should really come and we can make a video. At the warehouse we make most of our videos."

I nod because it seems like fun "But what kind of video should we do?" I ask him. He thinks then says "The most embarrassing story you have. We can share them!" I am not really too sure with his idea though. I would love to make it but posting for everyone in the world to see....that's a different story.

    So we agree. I don't know how he made me but he did. He has that effect on people. So that's what I am going to do tomorrow.

   Tatum and I left the beach. I told her what we were doing. She is all for it. She loves sharing weird embarrassing things. I don't know it's weird. So we got an Uber home. We were gonna be broke if we keep using Ubers.

   We changed and went to bed.
I got up and brushed my teeth. Tatum was still snoring. So I got a great idea. I got the idea to smack cam Tatum. I got some of my shaving cream and my phone. I crept across the floor and made sure she was asleep. I smacked her and she flew to the ground.

She rolled around on the floor screaming "IT'S KILLED ME!!! MY FATHER WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS!" We are both major potterheads! We laughed and she had shaving cream in her hair. Her hair was blonde so it really stood out. The shaving cream was also on the walls.

I cleaned it off. Then I watched the video on my phone. It was hilarious. I need to show it to the Twins! We got ready and then I called Ethan.
Ethan: Hey
Me: Hey are we gonna eat breakfast there?
Ethan: yea and I'll tell Gray to fix it.
Me:Ok sounds great! We'll be there in about 25 minutes.
Ethan:You don't have to call an Uber! Gray and I can pick you up.
Me: Ok thanks!

Then I hang up. "Tatum! Are you ready?" I yell. "NO!! I'm not finished looking hot!" She says. I laugh at her. Speaking of that I need to get dressed. I put on some clothes and sit on my bed. Tatum comes out of the bathroom wearing something very risqué. A really high purple crop top that says "Normal is boring". Also some really short denim shorts.

She sees my outfit and says "Wow I like the back." She says that because it says idiot.

Ethan texts me
Ethan:Gray and I are outside.
Me:K coming down now

I tell Tatum they are here and we run outside. Gray has a really cool bronco. It's a light blue mint color.

Gray is driving and Ethan is in the passenger seat. I wave and hop in the back. Ethan sees the back of my shirt and says "I like it but it's not true."

I blush and say "Thanks." Tatum hips in next to me and we are off.
   Once we get to the warehouse we start the video. Ethan and Gray say "HEY GUYS!" Tatum and I laugh cause they sound hilarious. Ethan says "So you guys know what goin on. Let's get started. Who is gonna go first?

   I say "I'll go." Just to get it over with. "When I was in sixth grade I had Tatum and we were outside." I start "She was racing someone and she was in my path. I moved a bit thinking that she would move too. Spoiler alert she didn't. I flew and was knocked onto my back. Into the dirt."

   Ethan and Gray bust out laughing. Tatum blushes because she did it. "So you flew like a bird?" Grayson asks. I nod and he laughs again. The Tatum says "I'll go!" Ethan and Gray nod so she starts "I was at my aunts wedding. I was the flower girl so I had to walk in front of everyone." She says "I tripped on the rug thing. And fell. But my nose was bleeding." She says

   Gray laughs and says "I'll go next. When I was in fifth grade I learned how to do a backflip" he starts " so I wanted to show everyone. At a family reunion I gathered everyone." He says "When I tried to do it....I SHARTED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BACKFLIP!" Everyone bursts with laughter even Gray.

    Ethan says "I remember that!" Then he says "Ok my turn when I lost a challenge with Gray I had to have a punishment. Gray thought it would be good for me to run through Target. But I had to be in a diaper and click my heels." He starts "I ran through and clicked my heels. I almost fell."

   We all laugh then Gray and E say "PEACE!" E turns the camera off and says "You guys were hilarious! We need you guys to be in more videos!" I nod and E hugs me. I think I like him. Wait scratch that I think I love him.

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