One Last Bite: Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

This must be very akward, just looking at each other and not saying anything. After about a while I go upstairs. As I look back and see my mom and dad hug each other When I get to my room I get on my bed and cry. I didn't want this to happen, any of this. I just want to be a normal human get a better life, a life I can enjoy in peace. I must have cried myself to sleep because when I wake up its morning, thank god its a Saterday. I then brush my teeth and head downstairs. I serve my self my favorite cereal, Frosted Flakes. When I sit down I see my mom and dad coming to sit down with me.

"Hey Emma" Dad says

"Hi" I say nervously.

"We need to talk to you" Mom says

"Is it about.... You know?" I say

"Yes, your father and I have learned that these attacks are by poisonous vampires and we are on the alert for them" she says holding my dads hand.

I look at my mom and I look at my dad. I then start to cry, damn I'm such a crybaby. My mom and dad then come to me and hug me, I them feel a little bit better.

"It's ok baby, we're going to get through this" my dad says hugging me tighter

When we were done talking I went upstairs and checked my phone. I then see that I have a message from Crystal.

(We have to talk, meet me at The Burger Point) Crystal

I then text her back.

(Got you, be there in 15 min) Emma

(Kk) Crystal

I get ready and put on a blue shirt with jeans and blue flats. I fix my hair into a bun which is supprisingly pretty. I head downstairs and tell my parents that I'm going to The Burger Point.

"Ok honey but make sure you get here at exactly 9:00 pm." Mom says tapping on her watch.

"Also, look out for the you know" Dad says

"Yeah yeah I know, bye guys" I say


I then exit the front door and walk to The Burger Point. I get there and see Crystal waiting in the front. We then get a table and order our drinks. She ordered a coke but I didn't cause I have a fresh cup of blood in my purse.

"Soo how's life?" She says looking at me

"It's ok" I say lying


"Yeah" I say shacking

That's when our drinks come. Crystal then takes a BIG sip of her coke. I then look at her like she's crazy, she then looks at me back.

"Sorry, I was really thirsty" she says taking another big sip,I then get thirsty as we'll. I take the cup out of my purse and take a sip, so good.

"Hey what's that?" Crystal says pointing to the cup

"Oh um it's a new juice that I made, I have to drink it so that I can become healthy" I say sweating

"But it looks...."

I then chug the whole thing down, she looks at me weird.

"What?" I say

"Oh nothing" she says. She starts to laugh, I laugh as well. That's when the waiter comes.

"Welcome to The Burger Point may I take your order?" She says. When I look at her name tag it says Rebeca.

"Yes I would like a burger we'll done and some fries" Crystal says looking at the menu

"I gonna have the steak we'll done and some fries" I say, while I'm saying it my mouth is getting watery from the smell of meat.

She then nods and goes to the kitchen, that's when I look at Crystal on her phone. I don't know what to say to her, it's kinda awkward.

"Soooo" I say

She them looks up from her phone.

"What you doing on your phone" I say looking

"Oh nothing just on the web, I'm trying to find out about these attacks" she says with her face all up in her phone.

I then start to sweat even more. I can't take this anymore I just can't.

"Excuse me for a minute I have to go to the bathroom" I say rushing off.

I get to the bathroom and I go I to a stall. You probably know what happens next yup I cry. I can see my makeup coming off from all the tears, that's when I hear the door open.

"Emma, are you ok?" I hear Crystal say

I then get out of the stall.

"Emma, what's the matter?" She says coming to me

"Nothing, it's just that I know who's attacking" I say sobbing

"What?" Crystal says

"I know who's doing the attacks!!!!!" I say loud.

"That's great Emma once we find out we can get rid off these monsters, tell me Emma we have to get rid of them" she says exited

"There... There"

"Come on Emma say it!!!"

"There vampires!!!" I say yelling

She then looks at me like I'm crazy.

"The monsters are poiseniss vampires" I say looking at her

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