One Last Bite: Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

It takes about 2 weeks for my body to heal. When its the day to come home i feel dizzy. Im in my bed and it takes 3 people to put me in a weel chair. They stroll me down the hall and into the elivator. When we get to the 1st floor we stroll down the enterance and into the parking lot. Thats when my mom comes.

"Come on sweetie lets get you out of that wheel chair:" Mom says picking me up. I look around and see my Dad talking to the girl who did the opperation. When we get in the car we drive home, ahhh fels good to finally be home. We get out and enter the house, it feels weird coming back home. Dad lifs me off the wheel chair and carries me to my room. He puts me on my bed and put the blanket over me.

"Get some sleep, you've been up all night" he whispers, he gives me a kiss on the cheeck and heads off i look around my room and snuggle up next to Mr. Waffles. He was a gift i got from Jack, i then start to remember all the fun times i had with Jack. I dont know how but i start to have a nighmare. Its me and Joel, were running away from vampires wit blood all over them. We run into a room and get cornered. When we turn around we see Jack in a pool of blood. I run up to him, take his arm and try to suck all the poison out but its too late hes already dead. I turn back and see the vampires coming to me, i wake up screaming.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" I scream with sweat dripping down my face, i look around and see its morning. I then get off and use the bathroom. I go downstairs and turn on the tv, Spongebob is on. Yes i know im 14 but its my favorite show. Im in the middle of the episode Patrick SmartPants when he gets his original brain back when mok comes.

"Hey mom" i said

"Hey sweetie, i heard you screaming last night are you ok?" she asks looking at me

"Mom im soo confused it felt like a nighmare but it felt like a vision, like if its goingto happen" i say thinking about what happened

"What did you think about?" She asks

"It was abut Jack, about how he died and he was in a pool of blood and i was trying to suck the poision out of his arm" i say almost crying.

Mom gives me a look and i look at her back. She goes to the kitchen and comes back with a cup full of cool blood.

"Here drink this it always makes you feel better" she says handing me the cup. I take a nice long sip and look at her. She walkes to the couch and takes a seat. She looks at the tv and looks at me.

"Really Emma, Spongebob?" she asks

"Yes" i say sadley, Mom looks at me and gives me a hug

"Baby, i know that things are looking bad right now but we need to look at the positive things yes Jack is mad at you and Crystal is dead but you need to work things out" she says patting me on the back

"Your right Mom i need to work things out im going to go to Jacks house and make everything right" i say standing up proudly

"Thats my girl!!!" Mom screams

I then run upstairs and get dressed. I put on a t-shirt that says Selfie jans and uggs. I put on my black sweater and rush downstairs. When i get downstairs i see a note on the kitchen counter

(Im going to do some errands sorry i left soo fast, and you can do this Emma i believe in you) Mom. When i look next to the note i see the keys to Dads car, i take them and walk out the front door. I unlock the car and lower down the sun roof. I step on the gas pedal and head off onto the streets. It takes me about 5 minutes to get in front on Jacks house. I get out the car and walk to the front door, i knock and wait. I then wait and wait and i finally see the door opening, its Jack's mom.

"Hey Mrs.Gill is Jack home?" i say scardly

"Oh yeah hes in his room but the past few days hes been upset about something" She says

I then walk in and run up the stairs, i go down the hall and see Jacks room. On his door it says Bros for life Joel and Emma. When i look closer i see my name crossed out with pen and see lier next to it. I barge through the door and see Jack reading a  comic, he looks up at me

"What the hell Emma!" he yellls angrely

"Sorry, i just saw your poster on your door and i got worried" i say

"Well you have to get used to it because im not changing it" he says looking back to his comic, thats when i get mad and snach the comic out of his hands

"Jack i told you a bilion times that day that i was sorry and that i didint mean to lie to you guys, i didnt know what to do with myself i need you guys for me to survive. Jack remember when we were in 1st grade and you helped me with my stuff that i was taking home i was thinking of commiting sucide case i was bullied about how pale i was but you helped me realize that i dont need to end my life so quickley"I say coming closer to him

"Are you serious?" he says getting up from his bed

"Yes, but you helped me and thats when we became friends and thats when i met Crystal and Joel, you need to beleive about me being a vampire and the attacks" i whisper. He then comes to me and gives me a hug, i hug him back. He lets go and sits down on his bed.

"OK, i beleive you but i want you to do me a favor" he asks

"Yeah anything" i say

"I want to see how you look in bat version" he says smiling, i then nod. I then think and think and i feel myself shrinking, my ears getting pointer and my fangs getting sharper then POOF! I fly around his room and fly to him he then laughs

"Awwww you look so adorible!!!" he says holding me. Thats when we hear Jacks mom coming. I fly out the window and try to wave him goodbye with my wings, i think he understands cause hes whispers ill text you. I fly down and i transform back. I get into the car and drive home. When i get home i go upstairs and go into my room. I go on my bed and check my phone. Thats when i see a text from an unknown number. I put my password which is Brent since i love Brent Rivera the viner and i see whats the text. When i read the text i feel like im going to faint.

(Were coming, were coming, we already killed your lady friend, and now its someone elsed turn, be prepared for your tears to come falling down) Unknown

The world goes black. I wake up in the hospital,again. I see my mom and dad next to me.

"I got home and saw you on the floor, i called your father from work to help me" Mom says

"What happened?' Dad asks

I look at Mom and Dad and give them my phone, they read the phone and look at me in shock

"Thats what happeneed" i say

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