Chapter 2

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Walking into my flat and shutting the door behind me I was still stunned. I said little words to Tom and just chewed on my pizza in deep thought. Firstly about the fact to people were shot right next door to me and that just scared the shit out me. Then there was Luke. Tall, Australian, god like Luke. I didn't know the boy so I couldn't really like him but he was beautiful. I was disturbed in my thought by the sound of someone trying the door handle, I shot up and looked at the door straight away - It was just my Mum. I was still on edge, even though they wouldn't the robber could still come back. Causal chat went back and forth among the three of us, then she brought up our 'new neighbours'. 

"She has a son your age Syd, I said you would walk with him to school until you get to know the area! I bumped into the women, Liz, in the hallway, such a nice lady! I invited them over for dinner tomorrow night, just to welcome them to the builiding and tell them about the area..." She kept rambling on after that but I stopped listining, is my mum some sort of matchmaker? I freaking love the woman. It would get me a chance to talk to Luke, my stomach was doing flips already. I quickly and casually walked into my room and flopped onto my bed. This could not be happening. Yeah there were plenty of boys that were good looking and I could probably go on dates with but something in me didn't want to anymore. Before I knew what was happening I was drifiting off to sleep thinking of dates I could go with Luke Hemmings - such a typical teenage girl thing to do, I know.

Waking up 20 minutes late was not how I wanted to start the day. I shot out of bed, pulled on black vest top, check shirt and black skinny jeans. My hair was thrown into a messy ponytail with a couple of strands falling down to frame my face. I did the same make up routine as I do most days - eyeliner, mascara, foundation, powder. I chucked my black vans into my bag to change into at school, grabbed a pop tart and just as I opened the door I was met with a solid object. Looking up I was met with sharp blue eyes, the colour of sapphires. 

"Oh, sorry" I mumbled and tried to laugh off. "Its quite alright, are we just leaving then I take it?" he smiled back at me. Damn. 

"So do you know what classes you will be in yet?" I tried to make nervous conversation.

"Erm maths, physics, spanish and sports"

"Looks like I will be seeing you in sport and spanish"

"have a fun time keeping up with me"  

"No bother" I joked, I glanced up at his eyes and he almost looked like he was planning something, I quickly brushed it off though. 

"So do you always walk or do you not have a car?" He asked

"No I have a car i just perfer to walk, its only a five minute walk and it would just be waisting fuel"

"But its easier" he retorted with a hint on rudness in his voice

"Yeah, but I can't really afford to be driving everyday, plus I like walking in the city, its pretty"

"Whatever you say" he said and I swear, just for a moment, he rolled his eyes.

"So wheres your car then eh?"

"Had to sell it back in Australia, will be getting one soon here though"

"Good luck finding parking" I tried to change the mood of the conversation and make a joke

"I will find parking, don't you worry your little head off about that Sydney" Well I never expected that one. What a douche, what makes him better than anyone else? For the new kid hes cocky as shit. By the time I had recovered from his rudness we had arrived at school, despite his good looks I was not wanting to really talk to him for much longer. I turned to him quickly

"So the last class is sports, i will just get you from that to walk home if you want?" 

"Yeah okay" He asked and then wondered off into the office. He was one of they boys who knew he was hot and was just going to treat people like shit. I wondered to my locker where I changed shoes and got books, slamming the door shut I was greeted by my best friends arrival. 

"Why so moody this morning?" Tamara asked

"Oh doesn't matter, new kid being a dick" 

"New kid eh? What they like?" She questioned me

"Good looking and well aware of it"

"Aw one of them? Damn" With the small conversation I headed to class, already girls were giggling over the new 'aussie hottie'. In some ways I was mad as I felt as if he was mine even though I knew it was ridiculous. By the time lunch came I had been asked a total of 23 times if I had seen the new boy and to each I just rolled my eyes. As I walked into the canteen he was sitting at a table surrounded by slutty girls and model guys fawning over him like some sort of idol. I took my seat the other side of the canteen and just watched in disgust, what can make one human be so special, despite his obvious good looks, charming smile and accent. Tamara came over looking high as a kite

"What the hell is up with you?"

"Luke told me I had a nice smile" She giggled

"Oh dear lord" I muttered and let her have her 15 seconds of happiness, by the time the bell went to signify next period, a whole new set of girls had appeared plus two young female teachers coming to offer to show him around. It was sickining. I made my way up to the last double period of sports, I could hear heavy footsteps behind me. 

"Sydney, wait up" only one person would call me Sydney like tha

"What is it Luke?" 

"I'm not walking home anymore, Elissa is giving me a lift home" He said quickly and shot by me not even looking at me.

"Of course she is" I muttered to myself. Elissa Warbeck had always competed with me in everything I ever did, the only thing she could win at was boys. I could always win acadmeicaly or score the goals in sports that type of thing. She would always feel she had to one up me with boys because its the only thing she could do, she gave it to them easy. Something about it annoyed me though, was he going just for the lift since walking was so much 'easier' or was he going for her? Why was I even bothered? I shouldn't be. This was just different. I stormed into the changing rooms, got changed without a word into my shorts and vest top and then marched into the games hall. I sat on one of the benches as half the class was already in, including Luke. I could feel his eyes watching me as I entered, I made eye contact with him and he looked away almost instantly.

Half an hour in the teacher never showed up and people just started mucking about with various balls. I on the other hand just put my earphones in and lay down on the bench trying to figure out why I was trying to let Luke bother me so much. I glanced over and he was talking to this other boy, Calum Hood. Im surprised to be honest, Calum was such a sweet guy and didn't need to be talking to assholes like Luke. I know what he said to me was small but first impressions count. I kept feeling eyes watching me, I was hoping they were Luke's. Time flew so quickly I didn't even realise the bell go to state it was the end of the day. A hand touched my shoulder which sent me flying up with shock, it of course, belonged to him. 

"What? Oh right, end of the day"

"Yeah, I didn't think you had realised" He laughed "I will see you at yours later then"

"Come on Luke, lets go already!" I heard Elissa's whiney voice from the door

"Fuck sake" I muttered under my breath, I could see he let out a quick smirk "yeah see you then"

I got ready back in the changing room dreading what could be the most sexually frustrating dinner I will ever attend.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2014 ⏰

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