Chapter 14 So we only lose a little

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I found my way
Right time wrong place
As I plead my case

Raven's POV

"Oh come on!" Pete shouted, throwing the remote control across the sofa.

I smiled with glee. "Third time I beat you. Someone owes me a crisp twenty."

Pete sighed as he reached into his wallet, grabbing a twenty dollar bill and handed it to me.

"Thank you." I said, pocketing the money.

He crossed his arms and huffed, leaning back in his beanbag chair. "You had to have cheated."

"How do you cheat on Mario Cart?" I asked, looking at him with a smile.

He threw his hands up in the air. "I don't know! I'm sure you could manage to find a way."

I put my hands over my heart and pretended to look touched. "Wow. I am honored. The great Pete Wentz is saying that poor, insignificant Raven Stump is smart enough to find a way to cheat at a dumb game."

Pete glared at me before laughing. "Wow. You just insulted Mario Kart with a straight face."

"Yes, I did." I said after looking at him and laughing. I then quieted down, thinking about how amazing this felt. To be able to laugh freely and be happy with someone, with family. But then I couldn't help but wonder how long I had this for.

"You okay?"

I looked up and saw Pete watching me.

I nodded. "Yeah. I was just thinking."

Pete shifted in his seat. "About what?"

I smiled slightly, looking at the ground. "I want to dye my hair."

"Ah, there's something that I can help you with." He said as he stood up with a clap.

"That's what I thought." I said with a laugh.

He started walking away, but then turned around and motioned for me to come impatiently. "Are you coming or not?"

I got up and quickly jogged up to where he was. He led me to his bathroom where he stopped abruptly at the counter. "What color were you thinking of doing, first?"

"Red. Not like a natural red, but like, a blood red." I said.

He turned with a smirk on his face. "Perfect. I had some red dye that I was gonna use but didn't." He pulled it out from under a sink and placed it on the counter.

*time skip cause I'm too lazy to elaborate on the hair dying process*

I wasn't allowed to look in the mirror until Pete had completely finished my hair. Being completely nervous, I kept tapping my foot out of habit since I couldn't run my fingers through my hair.

Pete finally took a step back and examined his work with an approving nod. "Okay. You can look now. I turned around and looked in the mirror, covering my mouth in shock.

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My hair looked better than I ever hoped for. The red brought out the green in my eyes and surprisingly didn't ruin my smiley face sweater. I turned to Pete and hugged him tightly.

"Thanks Pete." I said with a knowing smile.

"Nooooo! You're one of those people!" He said, hugging me back.

I laughed with him, breaking the hug. "I'm serious though. It means a lot that you did this for me, especially since I won't have my hair much longer."

He looked at me with a sad smile. "Sure thing, kiddo."

"Raven! Where are you?" I heard Patrick yell.

Pete and I looked at each other, trying to hold back laughs. "In here, Dad!" I yelled.

We heard footsteps coming towards the bathroom, then saw Patrick's face come in the doorway. When he saw me, his eyes widened. "Woah. I didn't see that coming."

"Is it bad?" I asked frantically.

"No, no! It looks amazing!" He answered just as frantically.

I let out a sigh of relief. "Whew, you scared me for a second."

Patrick smiled at me and hugged me. "No, you would make anything look amazing."


Hello, my dear youngbloods! So, um, more than 250 reads? That's awesome! I'm dealing with the shock *falls on bed dramatically*. Anyways, I need characters. If y'all wanna be in the story, pls message me or post on my Wattpad account with this info:


Hair color

eye color


gender identity (if you don't want to specify that, totally fine too)

Clothes style

Fav band

Do you play instruments?


Anything else you think I should know (closed)

Anyways, let me know what you guys think with a vote and comment!

Love from the other side of the screen,

Pebbs xx

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