Chapter 15

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"Where were you at the game?" Jesse asked when Beca sat down at their table with their friends.

She had traded in her leather jacket for a hoodie which was mostly because she didn't want anyone to see her injuries but also because Chloe was still wearing her leather jacket. It's Monday and she managed to hide from Emily all weekend which was her biggest challenge.

"I didn't make it," she quietly said looking down at her plate, pushing the mystery meat around.

"You missed a great game," he continued. "We barely won but we won nonetheless."

Chloe and Aubrey watched Beca from across the table, worried and curious as well as Stacie and Emily. Bneji was too busy trying to talk to a girl he had a crush on to notice anything.

"That's good," she replied and Emily touched her which caused the older girl to flinch.

"Beca?" she asked. "Are you okay? Why won't you look at us."

The soccer player shrugged with a sigh. "I'm just tired."

"Hey," Aubrey said reaching over the table. "We're here if you need us."

"I know," she said and stood up while keeping her head down. "I'll be back," she added and grabbed her plate to throw away but as soon as she turned around, someone had accidentally bumped into her which caused her to drop the plate and gather everyone's attention.

"Shit, I am so sorry!" A freshman said making sure Beca was okay. "Did I hurt you?"

Taking in a deep breathe, Beca just looked up at the girl through her hood and gently grabbed her severely bruised and broken ribs.

"It's okay," she barely got out before attempting to stand up straight. There was an intense stabbing-like feeling in her side that caused her to hunch back over, the freshman scared to move.

"Beca?" Emily asked standing up along with the rest of her friends.

Tears brimmed her eyes before she took in another breath and stood up through the pain. To say her friends were scared was an understatement so when Beca walked out of the cafeteria, they all tried to follow but was stopped by Emily.

"I'll go," she said and grabbed both her and Beca's belongings before running to catch up with her.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She stopped the girl who walked into the bathroom. "Please talk to me."

Trying not to let out a sob, she looked up from the floor and into Emily's eyes who gasped at the sight of her bruised cheek and black eye.

"What happened?" she asked resisting the urge to reach out and touch her.

They stood in silence for what felt like hours until Beca spoke up. "My mom."

"Your mom did this?" She asked getting pissed and protective. "When?"

"Friday," she said and started taking off the oversized sweatshirt which only left her in a white tank top. "She also broke three ribs."

The brunette slowly lifted up her shirt and watched as Emily's eyes became glossy.

"Oh, Beca," she whispered as she looked at the bruising that took up half of the older girl's side and the door opened causing Beca to quickly pull her shirt down and turn away. She didn't even see who walked in but was internally thankful when she heard Aubrey's voice.

"What happened?" her soft voice asked and Beca bit her lip to keep the tears from falling. Her side had started hurting again because of her quick turn to hide.

When Beca didn't say anything, Chloe had walked over and put a hand on her shoulder which made the younger girl flinch.

"It's just me, Aubrey and Stacie," she reassured. "No one else can get in."

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