Chapter 27

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"I can't believe you made me watch that," Beca groaned as she tossed a piece of popcorn in her mouth.

Chloe gasped as she leaned back against the couch. "What are you even talking about? The Pacifier is a great movie!"

"Vin Diesel kicked ass but come on, the ending was so predictable," the brunette informed as she looked over at the girlfriend, the end credits still playing on the television.

"I hate watching movies with you," Chloe replied. "You never shut up and you criticize every single little thing."

"Hey now," the soccer player said trying not to smile as she pointed a finger at her girlfriend. "You know that going into our relationship so now you're stuck with me; deal with it."

The redhead laughed and went to say something else but was cut off by a sighing Emily who took it upon herself to lay completely across both girl's legs.

"Sure, Em," Beca said. "You can lay on us."

"Don't be mean to me, I'm in pain," she said, her voice muffled by Chloe's shirt she had buried her face in.

"Is your eye not doing any better?" Chloe asked as she instinctively ran a hand through the sophomore's hair.

"It is but it still hurts like a bitch."

Beca scoffed as she slapped Emily's butt. "Man up, dude. It's just a black eye and besides," she said which caused Emily to face her. "It's barely noticeable."

"You're so mean," she said and looked up at Chloe. "Why are you dating her? She's crazy."

"That's true," Chloe nodded causing Beca to glare at her. "But she's my crazy."

Emily just groaned as she wrapped her arms around Chloe's torso and hurried her face into her abdomen. A few silent minutes went by before she spoke up again. "I know why Beca's always lying on you." Both older women looked down at her with furrowed eyebrows. "You're so damn comfortable."

Chloe laughed which made Beca smile at hearing it. "Thanks, I guess."

"Can I just sleep here?" The brunette asked as she made herself more comfortable.

"No," Beca said immediately.

"Okay, can I borrow your girlfriend then?"

"Definitely not."

Emily gasped. "Come on, Bec! I don't feel good and Chloe here is already making me feel better with her magical hands."

Chloe just laughed as Beca raised an eyebrow. "Okay one: that sounded inappropriate and two: she's mine."

"It's a good thing she's her own person," Emily glared before looking up at Chloe with puppy dog eyes. "Please cuddle with me?"

The redhead looked between her and Beca, the latter looking like she was going to kill the younger girl any second. "Beca, it'll just be a few minutes," she started before the brunette whined. "She's your sister and clearly needs me."

"Chloe," she whined like a baby. "What if I needed cuddles?"

"Then you're just gonna have to wait," she said trying to kiss her girlfriend but she pulled away. "Oh, that's how we're playing?"

Beca just glared at her before pushing Emily's legs off her so she could cross her own.

"Come on, Em," Chloe said standing up. "Unlike Selfish McGhee over here, I know how to make someone feel better," she finished and stuck her tongue out at Beca before following Emily into her room before they crawled on her bed, Chloe holding Emily tight. The soccer player genuinely didn't feel good and had a habit of cuddling with her mom but since she wasn't here, she went for the next best thing; Chloe.

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