The Jewel Queen

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          She was overjoyed, and her joy couldn't be greater.  The mountains provided an advantage that every other kingdom had envied, of course there were the risks of attacks from tribes who thought they could penetrate the barriers with fire-ladden arrows, but none, in a century were able to do it.  Her mother, like herself had enjoyed prolonged days, sitting on her high terrace on her thrown, over looking the far reaches of the land, and seeing for miles. There was only one more thing she wanted, and that was to own a forest; the mountains, being so high up, would not support adequate plant growth.  There was a deep evergreen forest that stretched out towards the ocean to the East.  It was publicly shared land by the tribes and the kingdoms, for no one had been able to protect and claim this forest.  It was rumored and believed to be magical.  There were unicorns and magicians that hid behind the evergreens and up in the branches and would not let anyone take them.  Flor and fauna ran abundantly through the forest everyday.  She had dreamed and talked about becoming friends and allies with the inhabitants of the forest.  What she enjoyed the most was the fruits and the magic mushrooms that the young ladies picked while they trekked through.  But she needed more to acquire their friendship. 

         Upon a long visit to the witch doctor, who had examined her inside and out, she heard that she had conceived multiples.  It was more than she ever imagined.  Of course she had heard the prophecies, that were would indeed, in time be a coming of three siblings that would create a Kingdom of large proportions, with everything including magical forests and a large, deep lake surrounded by fjords with underwater dragons inhabiting it.  When she told the King he was overjoyed, that night he started planning a world-wide trip where he would travel to all the kingdoms and offer, in his joy, apple seeds and peach sapplings to the civilians in many kingdoms.  That night, there was a large ball and everyone in the surrounding kingdoms were invited.  The Jewel King, wise beyond his years, had kept powerful Sorcerers and Magicians in his court.  A large feast with many suckling pigs and wild boars were prepared, after a long hunt in the enchanted forest.  Everyone throughout the land had heard of this celebration and had prepared their best clothes and brought forth their best sons and daughters.  There was so much joy that night that the Queen went to bed completely worn out.  That night she dreamed that she would have triplets.  Three brothers who would help her rule a large and vast kingdom.

         Time had passed so quickly as she reveled in her joy.  She had traveled to many kingdoms and spoke with many people, they all wished her well.  The time had come for her to welcome her multiples.  That night, she labored in pain so long she could hardly remember what was happening to her, she just wanted it to be over.  When the daylight hit and the sun strewed orange rays across the mountaintops, she had given birth to twin girls.  Through the pain and the excitement, she didn't care what the heavens had given her.  It was two beautiful little girls with dark soft curls and skin white as swans.  The King, upon seeing that they were girls, fell into dismay, although he didn't show it to his wife.  He had hoped they would be boys.  For the legend had it and the prophecy stated that the three, were boys.  The King retreated into his chambers, and the Queen, with abundant and apparent happiness held the girls in each arm, stroking their already full head of hair, and never looking past their round blue eyes.   She was complete and she was fulfilled, as she always had dreamed of.  Even if she never received the kingdom or the magical forest, she was content at the moment. 

       The King, weeks later, appeared from his chambers and looked over the Queen's shoulders, he had been contemplating with  his sorcerers, the prophecy. 

      "It cannot happen this way,"  one of them had told, the older and wiser one, named GaohLin.

Shebah, the female sorcerer, who was closer to the queen advised, "It was never written or said that they need to be men.  The prophecy does not state."

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