Aiden: Pink Knickers

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Each chapter in this story will contain either Kyra's or Aiden's POV-sometimes both.

Aiden's POV

I knew I shouldn't have been looking but there was a delicious looking body right in my line of sight, and I wasn't strong enough to resist the temptation.

The curtain on the window was partially closed, so I reckoned that she didn't know people could see her. Well. Not people, just me. Thanks to the position I was standing in, I had a clear line of sight to her ass. And by god what an ass it was.

She was only in her underwear, electric blue short-shorts and sports bra, and was dancing to music I couldn't hear from where I was.

Her hair was red and reached just above her ass. It looked soft and I wanted to sink my fingers into it.

I stood there, mesmerised by her beauty. I wasn't usually this into a girl I had just seen, but she was perfect.

Then I noticed the bright pink knickers she was wearing on her head, and suddenly I wasn't so sure.

I took a double take, heck, I even rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't seeing things, and sure enough, the hot chick I was staring at was wearing bright pink knickers.

On her head.

I let out a chuckle, a very small one, but the longer I stared at her dancing with underwear on her head, the louder my laughs became till I was bellowing out laughter that startled a few pigeons that had been sitting on a nearby tree.

"What the hell are you laughing at?" My mother yelled at me from the doorway to our new house.

"Nothing Ma," I yelled back, flashing her a grin which caused her to roll her eyes, and shuffle the box she was holding to her right hip, kick over the front door and walk inside muttering "Well then, stop lazing about and help your old Ma with the boxes".

I snorted, yeah right, 'old'. The woman was barely hitting her forties and looked like she was in her late twenties and she knew it. Sighing, I picked up the last box from the boot and locked the sedan. It was old and crappy, but Ma loved it, so I let it live. For now.

I began making my way to the front door, but not before shooting the girl in the window one last fleeting glance.

I hadn't expected much from this place. I had reckoned that I would have to spice things up for this small town and its simple folk. But I guess I was wrong.

No way was life going to be boring with underwear chick as my new neighbour.

No way.

It Started With A Pair Of Pink KnickersWhere stories live. Discover now