Kyra: Apple Pie

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Kyra's POV

I opened the door to a god. The guy standing at my doorstep was gorgeous. There was no other way to describe him. He was tall. Taller than even my father, who was basically a lamp post at six foot.

His face was perfect, his black hair begging to be touched. His eyes were a stunning blue, almost electric, and his had a slight stubble which only served to enhance his amazing looks. Not only that, but he was ripped.

I could see the definition in his chest through the thin, tight material of his black shirt. His jeans covered equally ripped thighs, and his feet were especially large.

I caught where my dirty mind was taking me and stopped all those bad thoughts in their tracks. He was drool worthy, yes, but just looking at him you could tell he was bad news.

The cocky expression on his face was enough to tell you he was trouble, hell, he even smelt like trouble. That is, if trouble smelt like men's cologne and peppermint. Which it probably did. Things that were bad for you were always the things you wanted.

He introduced himself as Aiden, and his mom cheekily asked if they could come in. The lady was a ninja. I hadn't even realised that she was there until she spoke up. But then again, I was pretty distracted, ogling at her son and all.

I led then inside to the living room where Izzy was. She was currently sitting on the couch, avidly watching Mew Mew Powers on the T.V. She was in love with that show. She didn't say why, but I was pretty sure it was something to do with how the main character, Zoe, had a pink costume.

Hearing us approach, she turned to face us with a weary expression, which made me nervous. She had become a lot more responsive toward me over the last year, but she wasn't very good with strangers. Especially ones who touched her. She usually acted as if they had hurt her by touching her.

I knew because when I had first met her, I was exactly that-a stranger. I had tried to give her a hug and she had started screaming about how it hurt. Let's just say that I learnt pretty quickly not to touch her without permission after that.

"Um, please don't touch her. She is not good with strangers touching her" I told them in a whisper, then louder to Izzy "Izzy! Look, it's our new neighbours! And they brought pie!" I showed her the pie and watched happily as her eyes lit up. She loved apple pie.

"HI Izzy. I'm Lily. And this is my son, Aiden," Lily said kindly with a big smile on her face. "Hi Izzy," repeated Aiden.

Izzy didn't answer. In fact, besides from looking at them when they walked in she ignored their existence. I didn't push it. They were strangers, and Izzy meant more to me than they did.

I looked at Lily's face, expecting her smile to have fallen of at the lack of reaction from Izzy. It hadn't. She was still smiling, and it didn't appear to be a fake one. Okay, I was beginning to like this lady.

"Well, I guess we should get going now-unless your parents are around? I would love to say hell-"

"No," I said firmly, then realising how rude I sounded, lied, "they are both at work right now. I will let them know you guys stopped by. So, umm, let me see you out," I gestured back the way we came, and Aiden, who hadn't spoken the entire time, began to protest.

"But we only just..." He trailed off as his mom shot him a glare. He remained quiet after that, and walked sullenly to the door.

I waved at them as they reached the pavement, and then turned back, closing the door behind me.

Izzy was safely tucked away watching her show, and I would give her some apple pie in a little while, so I decided to go check up on Jay.

He was still sleeping, but as I turned on the light, I saw that he was just pretending. Again, my heart clenched, and it felt like someone had sucker-punched me in the stomach.

I held back a sob and went towards the bed he was laying on, and gently lifted the cover and slipped inside laying on my side, looking at him.

Those parents of mine had really done a number on him. Now he was under the assumption that if he remained silent, and pretend to sleep, he would not be harmed as he had been when he cried or tried to interact with them.

"Jay, come here, baby. Come here," I cooed at him and gestured for him to come into my arms. He did so hesitantly, and as soon as he was in my arms, I enclosed him in my hold and hugged him to my bosom.

"Hey, baby. I'm here. I love you. Okay? I love you," I said while I stoked his curly brown hair.

His baby blue eyes looked up at me, uncertain, if to say 'really?' He didn't know what I love you meant exactly, but with me he knew it was always followed by a hug or a kiss. Never anything bad, so he liked it.

"Really," I answered his unspoken question, and watched as some of the uncertainty left his expression.

Smiling widely, I got off the bed, and quickly picked him up before he sensed the lack of contact and placed him on my hip. I gave him a big, wet, sloppy kiss on his cheek which had him giggling.

"So, you up for some yummy apple pie?" I asked as I led him downstairs to the living room to where Izzy was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2014 ⏰

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